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I CLOSED THE DOOR to the garage and flicked on the small light. My eyes scanned the bins filled with nonsense electrical supplies and tools that my dad had bought and forgotten about. He had asked me to come out and look for a replacement TV plug so that he could watch the game, our other one broke last night and it was pretty awkward sitting in silence eating dinner.

The rain was still hammering down on the tin roof and it was dark outside, I pulled the out one of dads toolboxes hoping that I would instantly come across the replacement plug, no luck. I sighed and raided through the box, I wonder what all these do? So many different cables, wires and plugs - not the right ones, of course.

Is this how it's going to be? Day in and day out, missing everyone who I once cared for, and who I thought once cared for me. I didn't really know how to feel - should I be angry at Jacob and Jasper for leaving me? Thankful that I didn't get washed up in their lives and hurt? Happy that I was alone now? Bullshit.

"Bullshit" I muttered as I rummaged through the second bin of electrical supplies. "Complete and utter bullshit"

I used to be so happy, have a lot friends in fact I was once actually popular. I would get invited out to parties and dates, now nobody wants to be around the depressed loner missing her weird boyfriend who suddenly disappeared. I had never felt so alone. Like I didn't matter to anyone, not even Charlie or Bella. Like anything could happen to me and they wouldn't even bat an eyelid.

Better off dead than alone.

Tap        tap        tap        tap

I shot upright, startled by the scratching sound coming from the window, my heart race quickened as I peered around the corner to get a better view.

Tap       tap       tap

I mentally sighed as it was no murderer, or a serial killer but instead I was faced with a very shirtless, and wet, Jacob Black for the second time tonight. I walked towards the door and opened it. "What the hell? You scared me"

"Sorry okay? I just need to talk to you alone - and I figured waiting till your asleep would have been creepy" he walked inside the small metal hut and closed the door.

He was edging closer, and as much as I would have enjoyed the company, he was getting too close.

I took a step backwards and pointed to the shelve of plastic bins that most likely contained the plug. "Talk and look"

He shot me a confused look. "For?"

"A plug," I held my hand out, stretching my fingers to about the size of the thing. "About this big, black, for the TV"

He nodded and started raking through the bins. After around 3 minutes of plastic on plastic he sighed and looked up at me. "Scarlett, look. I am so sorry"

"For what?"

"I- I can't explain right now but one day I will, I promise"

I shook my head, reaching up to the highest tub. "Not good enough"

"Look, okay. It's just that I'm so tightly bound that if I was to even think about-" he paused as my jumper slid down to my elbow.

"To even think about what?" I urged him as my hand landed on the plug that Charlie was looking for. Smiling, I brought my hand back down and held it up to him.

His face was distorted, laced with pain. He continued to stare at my wrist. I was about to ask what the hell he was looking at when his eyes snapped to me. "Please don't tell me that you let them feed on you"

My stomach did a somersault, my eyes flickering down to my exposed wrist, instantly knowing that he had seen the bite mark James left when he attacked me. "It's not what it looks like okay?"

He scoffed, grabbing my wrist and bringing it up to his face. "Oh? So Jasper just likes to get a little kinky right? Some soft biting. Ironic that"

Pulling it back, I scowled at him. "You really wouldn't understand"

He laughed in my face.

"Get out" I grit my teeth when he didn't move. "Jacob get out!!"

He edged backwards, opening the door behind him. "There not coming back you know?"

"GET OUT!!" I screamed at him and he turned around and jogged out of our backyard.

I threw my head into my hands. Everything has changed, everyone is different. I'm different.. and I'm too numb to even care.


Hello lovelies! Hopefully you can see that I'm straying away from the original story slightly. I did, however, want Jacob to see that she knows the Cullen's are vampires so that will still be the same.

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