2. London

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In the morning Rory woke up and shot out of bed. She ran into the bathroom and threw up. She brushed her teeth afterwards to get the awful taste out of her mouth. When she walked back into the kitchen she saw a note on the coffee machine.

I just wanted to tell you that Luke and I left for our honeymoon. Bora Bora can you believe it?! We wanted to wake you up, but you looked so peaceful so we let you sleep. I figured that you must get as much as you can while you able to. In a few months you won't get any, or barely. Anyways, good luck in London. I told babette to feed Paul Anka. Let me know how it went.
Love you, your now married superhot mother.

After Rory had her coffee and she ate a few pop-tarts, she went into the bathroom to take a long, hopefully nerve-calming shower. After 20 minutes Rory stepped out and got dressed in a navy blue dress.

She saw a car driving up out front, grabbed her suitcase, her handbag and her phone and she walked outside

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

She saw a car driving up out front, grabbed her suitcase, her handbag and her phone and she walked outside. She placed her suitcase in the trunk and stepped into the back of the car.

"Hi." Rory said to the guys.

"Hi, she says. You heard that Colin? We haven't seen her in two whole months and all she says is 'hi', how contemptuous." Finn scoffed. "Hello, love." Finn gave Rory a hug.

"I missed you, reporter girl. Radiant as always i see." Colin said giving her a hug as well.

"Well love, why do you need to see our boy?" Finn asked.

"I have something to tell him. Something possibly... life changing."

"And what may that be, reporter girl?" Colin asked.

Rory thought about it and she thought it would be best if the guys knew why they were helping her. "You remember New Hampshire? Well Logan left me with a parting gift." She said placing a hand on her stomach.

"You're pregnant? Love, that's amazing, congratulations." Finn and Colin engulfed Rory in a hug. When they broke the hug they saw the look on Rory's face. "Love? You okay there?"

"Yeah, sure." Finn and Colin didn't believe her one bit but figured that she would talk when she was ready.

"We arrived." Colin said.

They got out of the car and loaded their luggage in Colin's jet. The 6 hour flight was quite uneventful. Rory worked on her book for almost two hours and after she put her laptop away and she fell asleep. Colin and Finn were playfully antagonising each other.

Finn woke up Rory when the plane landed. "Love? Wake up we arrived in London." Rory rubbed her eyes, stood up and gathered her things. They hailed a cab and told the driver to bring them to the hotel. They stepped into the elevator and pressed the button to the top floor.

"Wow this suite is amazing." Rory gushed.

"Only the best for you, mother." Colin said.

"Love? Do you need help with telling him?" Finn was careful not to say Logan's name just yet.

"Actually yes. Could you check if he's free?" Rory asked. Finn slid his phone out of his pocket and texted Logan.

Mate, Colin and I are in London. You up for a drink?

Sure. Any reason you are in London? Where are you staying?

There is a reason, you'll find out when you get here, mate. Four seasons hotel, top floor. Can you be here around 7?

Sure, see you then.

"He'll be here at 7. I told him that Colin and I were here, I said nothing about you, love."

"Okay, thank you, Finn. You too Colin. I'm going out for some shopping I'll be back by then."

"Bye, love."

"Bye, reporter girl. Have fun but not too much." Colin grinned to which he received an annoyed, though playful look from Rory.


Logan thought that Finn was very vague. He looked at his watch. 6:30. Another half hour and he would see the guys. He looked at the pile of work that he still had to do. It would still be there tomorrow, he couldn't concentrate anymore. Why didn't they mention that they were coming, it didn't make any sense. Logan shot a quick text to Odette that he was going to the boys and to don't wait up, knowing that it would get late tonight and he left the office. He arrived at the hotel around 6:45 and knocked on the door.

The door opened revealing Finn. "Missed us that much, mate?" He laughed. Finn stepped away to let Logan in. "We need scotch."

After Finn had gotten three glasses of scotch he returned to the main room. Logan was still wondering why Colin and Finn were being so secretive and jumpy.

Around 6:55 the door opened. "Honey's I'm home." Rory said. "I had so much fun. I went to this coffeeshop and they had the most amazing coffee. Get this, I ran into Naomi Shropshire. She was drinking like crazy and we shopped together. She is so funny. We had a blast. I was hungry so we went to a restaurant and she just grabs things out of the hands of waiters and- oh..." She rambled on until she saw who was in the room. Rory was at a loss of words after she saw him. As was Logan when he saw her.

"Mate. Love. You two need to talk." Finn said giving Rory a knowing look.

"Yeah. Is the balcony okay with you?" Rory asked Logan awkwardly.

"Sure." Logan stood up from the couch and walked to the doors of the balcony and Rory silently followed preparing herself for what is to come. "Why are you here, Rory?"

"I need to tell you something.. important.."

"Go ahead."

"You remember New Hampshire?"

"Yeah. It was perfect. Why?"

"First I need to ask something and I want you to be completely honest me, can you do that?" Rory asked him hope evident in her voice and eyes.

Logan nodded carefully, not knowing what to expect.

"Do you love me? Like truly love me?"

"I never stopped."

That's all Rory needed to hear. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Logan, I know New Hampshire was supposed to be a final goodbye for us, maybe it still is or maybe this is fate helping us to see clearly."

"Ace, you're rambling." Logan chuckled.

"Right. What I'm trying to tell you is.. I'm pregnant and it's yours. 8 weeks." Multiple emotions flash in Logan's eyes. Happiness. Regret. Love. Fear. The love of his life is pregnant with their baby. He wants to be there for them both. But the dynastic plan and Mitchum. What was he going to do? "Logan? You in there?" Rory laughed nervously.

Before he knew it Logan was hugging Rory. "I'm going to be a father?" He asked barely above a whisper.

"Seems like it. Scary huh?"

"No. I mean, yes. Honestly I'm more worried about what I'm going to do about Odette and Mitchum. I was already planning to break of the engagement. Dynastic plan and Mitchum be damned. Also, I'm going to demand Mitchum to transfer me to the NY office. Never thought I would say this but I actually like working for HPG, hopefully he does that without too much of a wrath, otherwise I will find other work outside of the HPG circle. Made a name for myself these last few years even under HPG's thumb. I just want to be with you, the love of my life, woman of my dreams, Ace, you have given me something that I never knew I wanted, or deserved. Love. When I first met you I couldn't dream of settling down with someone. And now your giving me a child, I will be a dad for this child, a dad that we both didn't have." When Logan ended his little speech Rory was in tears. Logan wiped the tears away with his thumb, looked into her eyes lightly placed his lips on hers. For some it might seem like it was just a normal kiss, not for them, there was a burning desire behind it and while no words where spoken, millions of words where said in that one kiss.

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