man its a shame

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So I'm sitting here listening to grow and its really hard to imagine what their lives was like and how some ppl in their day  died in that riot and how wonderful and amazing it is that it's still survivers of that horrible event that took place because imagine how scared mothers and children were at this time just be the color of their skin they had it worse than us kids in 2017 and most kids complain about the kind of shoes they have this movie and song it really was an eye opener for me to actually look at the world and say life is so much easier now because back then a black person couldn't even walk down the street and look at somebody without them getting offended by nothing now it's to  where police officers our arresting us for looking the same way but it's not as harsh as it was then so with that being said of you haven't listened to grow by algee Smith and Larry Reed you should

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