Seconds Minutes Hours

149 4 1

Chapter I: The Boy Who Could See the Future


::Uryu's POV::

I hate this. I hate myself. I hate life.

I walk home, head down, afraid to look at anybody, scared to make physical contact. I grip the two grocery bags I'm carrying as if they were both holding me together, preventing me from falling apart right then and there. A young buxom woman rushes past, strawberry blonde hair whips behind her. She seems as if late for a meeting or such; she strikes me as the type to work in the business industry. But as she runs she bumps into me ever so slightly. It's enough, I know it. I curse inwardly, dropping the bags on the floor. I feel feverish, my head is burning. I must look like I'm dying but I don't care, I can't care. Not when I'm like this.

God dammit. It's becoming clear.


She laughs, the woman who bumped into me that is, whacking the silver-haired man who was in front of her on one knee with the back of her hand in a playful manner, "Stop kidding around, Gin!"

He smiles, hand latching on a little box containing so much hope, "I'm not joking with you, Rangiku, We've spent all our life together as friends, why not spend the rest of it together as husband and wife?"

Her hands clap on to her mouth in sheer shock, "G-Gin..." she whispers, tears of joy forming in her eyes, "You're really not kidding..." she takes in a few deep breaths before she tackles him to the ground in happiness, "Of course! Of course! Of course!"

He wraps his arms around her and nestles his head in her hair, "I don't want to ever lose you. I love you."

"I love you too!"


I hate this feeling, this feeling of interrupting someone else's private life. It's like discovering someone's secret, something you were never meant to see.


She's walking down the aisle now, clad all in white and holding a bouquet of daffodils. She looks beautiful I admit. Her veil is covering her face and her long hair is tied up in a pretty bun with flowing ringlets.

The silver-haired man (Gin was it?) smiles and looks at her as if she's the only woman in the world right now. Her loving blue eyes show a similar expression.


I'm panting, sweat dripping down my forehead. I can feel yet another vision coming on though.


She's holding a baby girl now. A little boy, at least nine or ten years old, asks with curiosity, "Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"

"Soon," she answers with a bright smile. The phone rings and she hands the baby gently to her son, "Can you hold her for Mommy please? I need to answer the phone."

He nods enthusiastically, "Okay!"

She walks quickly to the phone, in one swift motion she answers it and lifts it up to her ear, "Yes, this is Mrs. Ichimaru."

Her face quickly falls, "...What?! A car crash?! Please hold on a bit." her breathing falters, "I'll be there soon. T-Thank you."


No, please don't. I already know what's going to happen. Please stop this!


"Gin!" she cries over her husband, who was quickly slipping away.

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