The Girl Who Could Change the Past

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Chapter II: The Girl Who Could Change the Past


::Orihime's POV::

My eyes flutter open, revealing my bedroom which is slowly filling with warm, golden sunlight. Yes, it's my first day at Karakura High today. To say I'm not nervous would be a lie but I'm excited nonetheless. Change can be good sometimes.

I push myself up, yawning widely. I turn my head to the side, checking the neon pink clock that rests on my bedside. It reads half past eight... Half past eight?! Sugar bunnies! I'm going to be late! I quickly hop to my feet and run to the bathroom. In a rush, I use one hand to brush my teeth and the other to roughly tug at my auburn locks with my hairbrush.

I really need to start remembering to set my alarm clock before I go to bed... I don't want to get into trouble at school for being late, especially since I'm a new student! ...Maybe I should go back and set my alarm last night? I don't really want to... But if it means making a good impression today then I really should...

I grab the blue flower hair clips that rested on the counter next to me, Onii-chan gave me them to me when I was a little girl. I take a deep breath and squeeze my eyes tightly shut. Let's do this.


I check my clock, it's quarter to eleven at night. It worked. Well, I never doubted it wouldn't work. I mean, I've done it enough times to know. Yeah, I have the ability to reverse time. I don't understand it myself either but that's just the way it's always been so I just have to deal with it. Sometimes I wish I was just a normal girl, but maybe there's other people out there just like me! Who knows?

Anyway, the point was to set my alarm clock so that's what I'm going to do! I pick up my clock and fiddle with the switches until I finally manage to set my clock at eight am. Mm, I really am quite sleepy now so I guess I should go to bed... After all, it is the first day of school tomorrow.

I collapse softly down onto my bed, get underneath the covers and soon I'm out like a light.


"Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep..."

I slap my hand down onto my clock, shutting it up. I hate the sound of the alarm, it's awful. I check the time with a sigh. I actually woke at a decent time today, all thanks to the alarm I set last night! I get out of bed a little more slowly this time, I don't have to rush anymore.

I go through to the bathroom and throw off my peppermint green pajamas -they have adorable little penguins on them!- and step into the shower, feeling the hot, steaming liquid run down my back smoothly.

"Aah, so nice..."

After at least ten minutes, I step out and grab a pastel pink towel from the radiator and wrap it around myself. It's so warm... Walking over to the sink, I take out my toothbrush and toothpaste and proceed then to brush my teeth whilst humming a happy little tune.

I soon finish and then walk back to my bedroom with a slight skip in my step.

"And nothing will keep this heart from beating, I'm still breathing~!" I sing chirpily, hopping over to my wardrobe.

Underwear and... yes! My new school uniform! I pluck everything I need out and lay them all on my bed. I get changed into my clothes and afterwards, I look at myself in the mirror and do a twirl, showing off my clothes. My uniform consists of a white shirt tucked into a grey skirt, topped off with a grey jacket and red bow. It's really pretty actually. I think I love it! I grin cheerily and grab my school bag, just a plain old thing with no pretty designs or anything instead, I've attached all sorts of badges onto it though (from band badges to random things like, "I mustache you a question but I'll shave it for later!") and I head to the entrance way where I slip into my brown school shoes. I rush out the door and begin my journey to school.

Seconds, Minutes, Hoursحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن