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Hi guys this is my first ever book so I hope you guys like it

Michael's POV:

Well let me get you guys up to speed. My name is Michael and I live in Los Angeles ,California with my parents (duh who else would I be living with). Let me make one thing clear...MY LIFE IS LITERALLY HELL!!! Ever since I came out as gay my life went downhill. My parents started abusing me every day and I started getting bullied in school. I Still have a head ache from the beating the school bully gave me. I have no friends except for one girl named Rebecca who, just like me, is gay. I'm a complete outcast and I just want to die. I literally don't even have a phone because my parents took it away just like all my other electronics. I try to keep going but if it weren't for Rebecca who knows if I would even be alive right now. I thought my life couldn't possibly get any better until one day I walked into a local sandwich shop.

Well that concludes the introduction...stay tuned for Chapter 1

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