Entry XII

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Junmyeon ah. No, I mean Junmyeon-ssi.

This is the last entry of my diary.

It wasn't really a diary I guess, but that doesn't matter now.

It all doesn't matter now because, I'm leaving.

I'm leaving this place.

I'm leaving so you don't have to leave anymore.

I'm leaving so we don't have to fight anymore.

I'm leaving so you can come home now without having to leave within a few hours. You bought this place saying it'll be nice to come home to a place where someone is always waiting.

Maybe it's just I'm not the one you want waiting for you.

I'm leaving so there's no more crying in the middle of the night waiting for my husband to return home instead to find out he's with another woman.

Most importantly I'm leaving, because I don't want to deal with this anymore.

It seems like I'm running away from my problems, OUR problems. But I wasn't the one who ran away first.

Don't look for me even though I know you won't.

I just want you to know, up till now, I've loved you,


If we could turn back time, I wished we'd never met.

-Yeon Seo

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