The Popular Girl

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The Popular Girl

She walks down the hallway surrounded by her crowd of friends and followers. Her long blond hair is stick straight, not a single hair out of place. Her wide blue eyes are ringed with just the right amount of makeup and her skin is flawless. Her clothes are top notch, always in style. She breezes past everyone like she doesn't have a care in the world., never letting the smile drop from her face or her laughter from the air.

I always think people like this are the perfect example of how money is beauty in our society. People who have money are always the pretty ones because they can afford the clothes and the makeup and the jewelry and the shoes. They are beautiful not necessarily because they were born that way, but because money enabled them to build up the persona they wanted. Not that money buys happiness, because it absolutely does not, but it can buy the way people see you and the way you see yourself. That isn't always the case, but a lot of theh time it is.

She tries so hard to be beautiful and loved and yet it seems as though she doesn't try at all. Of course she tries though. I think it would be foolish to believe that she or anyone else, for that matter, didn't try. Everyone wants people to like them, to love them, and no one wants to be hurt. The popular girl is no exception.

She has so many friends, but only one or two who are really close to her. The rest are there either because they really want to be her friend or they want to use her status. I can't imagine what that must be like, not being able to tell who likes you who likes how much other people like you. It must be very confusing and make it hard to trust people. You would never know who you could count on to be there for you when you need it. It would be like going in to fight in a war and not knowing whether your fellow soldiers would turn and run and the first shot.

So many people want to impress her, but how do you impress the popular girl? It seems as though she already has everything. Seems as though everyone admires her so what could you possibly have to offer? I think she needs someone steady. Someone who she could always rely on in a life where you never know who is truly your friend. Someone who, when the ground is unstable underneath her, she could lean on for support. Because it must be exhausting being help up on a pedestal all the time. Never able to let your guard down for a minute because you don't want people to see what you really feel underneath. Always having to hold up a false facade to try and keep people liking you because you know that if you let that down many of your supposed “friends” will leave for the next person. Because they don't want to know how she really feels; they just want to be loved like people love a popular girl.

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