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           Ryan's pov
I was asleep in my cave when I started to smell something. It woke me up. I looked around my cave but didn't see anything. It must be nothing. I thought I smelled another wolf. But why would another werewolf come to this part of the forest. It's dangerous. I have no choice but to live here because I'm a rogue. I was left at a young age and have been alone since.

I guess since I'm up, I'll go hunting. I got up and walked out of the cave. I smelled the scent again. This time I decided to follow it. I followed it until it was tackled down by a vampire. I started fighting the vampire until it bit down on me. I let out a loud Yelp. I felt it biting into my throat. I felt like I was going to die until I heard a female's voice.
"Hey bloodsucker. Get off of him." The female said.
The vampire released my throat and get off of me. I tried to catch some air. He walked over to the female.
"Well. Well. Well. Princess shouldn't you be back in your pack. You know it's dangerous for little girls like you to be playing in the forest." The vampire hissed.
"I'll can handle myself. I'm not a princess." She growled.
"You sure look like one." The vampire said.
I sat up and seen the vampire and the girl. The vampire was getting closer to her. She didn't move any or back down. He was about to bite her. I can't let this happen. I try to get up to stop him but I was frozen. She grabbed him and slammed him into a tree.
"Listen here, bloodsucker. You don't mess with me. I'm not just any girl you can over power. I'm an alpha and I will fight back." She growled.
"Don't you mean a Luna. Females can't be Alphas." The vampire laughed.
"No. I'm  an alpha female and don't need an alpha to rub my mate." She growled louder.
"Whatever you say." The vampire said before teleporting away.
The girl looked over at me. I felt alittle scared because how she handled that vampire. She walked over to me.
"Hey? Are you ok?" She ask me.
"I'm fine. Who are you?" I ask.
"I'm Max White. I'm going to be the new alpha of the White Moon Pack." Max said.
"Oh. Thank you for helping me out." I said.
"You're welcome. Do you mind telling me your name?" Max ask.
"I'm Ryan Heart." I said.
"It's nice to meet you. But you should probably get out of these woods and get home before that vampire comes back." Max said.
"It won't do any good. I don't have a home." I said.
"So you're a rogue?" Max said confused.
"Yes. I'm a rogue." I said.
Max will probably walk off and leave now. She put her hand out. I took it. She pulled me up. I kinda felt something.
"Come with me Ryan." Max said.
"Where are we going?" I ask.
"To my pack. If they don't like my choices, they can suck it." Max said.
"But Max won't your mate be mad if they see me with you?" I ask.
"No. I don't have a mate yet. I'm sick of be talked to about it." Max said.
She doesn't have mate yet. How? She doesn't seem that bad.
"Are you coming with me or not?" Max ask.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2017 ⏰

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