Chapter 7

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It's been days... I think... I timed how long Jax left for and now was the perfect chance. I turned into a shadow and snuck out. That's when Barry tackled me.
'Don't Move!'
"I can't believe you, You were supposed to my little sister!'
'What are you talking about?!'
'Don't play dumb!'
He activated his comm
'Cisco get the cell ready'
Barry used a device and knocked me out... When I woke up I was in a cell. I rubbed my head and panicked...
'S-small space...'
I started pacing around having a small panic attack. A door opened and I was still panicking. I banged on the door to the cell and slowly slid down the back breathing heavily.
'Barry you didn't tell me she was claustrophobic..!'
It was Cisco... I could tell just from his voice... his sweet adorable voice.
'Well she deserves it after what she did'
I was shaking violently and I finally snapped
Barry looked at me shocked
'There's no way'
'Who's Jax?'
'Y/n's crazy ex'
'Didn't you hear my comm?!'
The two looked at each other and Barry sighed
'Your comm was damaged, all we hear was you saying "You died, murder you"'
I brought my knees to my chest as tears rolled down my face
'This is what I get right...? Just great... ok well I guess since I'll be in here for a while... Barry... I've had powers since I was born.'
They both looked at me shocked and Barry zoomed off. Cisco looked at me and sighed
'I'll be back with food later.'
I closed my eyes and leaned my head back as the walls felt like they were slowly closing in.
Soon the door opened again. I looked up slightly and my eyes widened
'The Man in yellow!??!'
He walked over to me, I shivered slightly
'Now now little Y/n your not needed to me, since your in here you have no use.'
He passed through the glass wall and I backed up until my back hit the wall his hand started moving back and forth then... I blacked out...

I woke up to the sounds of a hospital monitor.
'W-where am I..?'
A guy came running up to me at the speed of light. Then he hugged me.
'I'm so glad your ok, I'm so sorry we locked you up.'
'L-locked me up? W-who are you...?'
The guy looked at the other people in the room some tears running down his face
'Y/n I'm so sorry Please remember...'
I stood up and almost fell
'Whoa Y/n! You need to rest up.'
'I'm perfectly fine!'
And with that I sped off.

{}Barry's Pov{}

She has super speed now... whoa...
'Cisco track her'
He nodded and ran over to the computer
'Got her.... Barry she's running three times your speed..'
Caitlyn looked at Cisco shocked
'What is she running at?!'
'3836.346 miles per hour'
'That's.... Mach 5'
How is she...
'What's my highest speed?'
'Mach 2'
I grabbed my suit and started running
'She's heading towards....'
'Cisco come on!'
'Your old house'
I started running faster and got to the house. I looked through the window to see Y/n talking with some lady. She walked out of the house in tears.
'S-stay away from me Barry!'
'You remember me!'
'Yes I do ok?! Just stay away from me I'm not safe at Star labs!'
'What are you talking about?!'
'The man in the yellow did this to me! He knows how to get in and out of the lab! I might as well be safe out here'

{}Your Pov{}

I saw the man in yellow. I started running at Barry and punched him away from Barry.
Barry looked at me shocked and the man in yellow tumbled
'I should have killed you when I found out who your are'
'Y/n you know who...'
'Who is he?!'
'Eobard Thawne'
'Wait as in Eddie Thawne?! As in Joe's new partner?!'
I nodded slightly
'Well catch him!'
'I can't it will mess with the time line'
'Time line?!'
'Ugh you have so much to learn, lets go."
I grabbed Barry and sped off to the lab.
Cisco came running up to me. And hugged me. I blushed and hugged back leaning my head on his chest.
We both looked at Barry and let go of each other.

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