Cordelia's Cupcakes

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<Charlotte's POV>

"Done Mr Travis!"  I hand the teacher my essay about why AIDS needs to be taken more care of. He smiles "thank you Charlotte, I hear you have an interview with the nearby hospital, good luck with that" I smile and he continues "and you should know that this essay is one step closer to your doctorate degree"

I beam with pride "I hope so, thank you" I turn and walk out of the room. People say college is awful, but it's incredible! I'm around people that actually care about school and education and a future.

But now it's time for my favorite part of the day. I walk until I reach the light pink sign reading Cordelia's Cupcakes. I walk in the little bakery and welcomed in by the adorable girl behind the counter, Cordelia. I found out I'm a lesbian thanks to her "hey Charlotte!" I smile at her. I feel so confident today, I might as well finally tell her how I feel about her "so Cordelia, I think I should tell you tha-"

But then a man walks in from the back room, probably the kitchen in the back. He sneaks up from behind and smears frosting on her face "oh my god, Whizzer!" She's laughing her adorable laugh now. She takes a bowl of frosting and dumps it on this Whizzer guy. I go silent. I should've known that she's straight and has a boyfriend. They hug and I feel like I could throw up.

Cordelia looks up "oh I'm sorry Charlotte, what would you like?" She wipes the frosting on her hands onto Whizzer's shirt. He laughs and grabs a cupcake and starts eating it.

"Just my usual" I mumble. As she grabs a lemon cupcake with vanilla frosting, another man walks in. I've seen this man before but I can't remember his name. The Whizzer guy's eyes light up "oh my god there you are" he runs up to the other man, grabs his butt and they start kissing "get a room" Cordelia yells.

Wait, that's Marvin, my best friend Trina's ex boyfriend, he left her for a man named Whiz- oh. He's gay so then he can't be dating Cordelia, that means I could be with her.

Cordelia hands me my cupcake in a bag "here you go!" I pull out my wallet to pay but she stops me "no no, this one's on me, just let me get your receipt" receipt?

"Oh hey Charlotte" i hear Marvin say. I turn around and nod "Marvin" he laughs "tell Trina I said hi and tell Jason to come visit sometime" I turn back to Cordelia and take the little slip of paper "will do" my fingers tingle when they brush Cordelia's. She bites her lip and smiles "come again real soon"

As I walk out I look at the paper. It doesn't say anything about what I bought, instead it says call me sometime :) xoxo ~Cordelia and below the words were some numbers, obviously her phone number. I smile and take a bite out of the amazing cupcake, me and Cordelia might actually be able to be a couple after all.

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