Unlikely Lovers

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//god this title is used way too much, but it's my favorite song in all of Broadway ever so SHUT UP IT'S NOT OVERRATED//

"I have an idea" Whizzer says, walking into the living room. I decided to stay at him and Marvin's house all day rather than go to the bakery, I'm just so stressed about what happened last night "me, you, Marv, and Charlotte are going on a double date tonight. That way if Charlotte ever wants to hurt you I could use my karate skills and Marvin would yell at her"

I spit out my water I was drinking "do NOT hurt her"

He laughs "we won't" he checks his watch "I miss Marvy, I wish he could be back from work already" Whizzer pouts "I need his kisses and cuddles"

I groan, but then start to think. Whizzer keeps telling me that things with Charlotte can't go too fast, yet he and Marvin have such a physical relationship, yeah of course there are feelings too, but it's mainly physical "Whizzer, how many dates did you and Marvin go on before moving in together?"

"That is none of your business missy" he responds, grabbing a magazine and starts flipping through it. As if on cue, Marvin walks in at that moment. He throws his briefcase aside and sits down next to Whizzer, running his fingers through Whizzer's hair "what's none of Cordelia's business?"

"NOTHING" Whizzer yells, slamming his magazine onto a coffee table. He attempts changing the subject by kissing Marvin, but Marvin pushes him aside "what were you guys talking about?"

"How many dates did you two go on before sleeping or moving in together?" I ask, intrigued what Marvin will say

"Marvin babe, I swear-"

"On the first date we went to dinner then went back to my place and we slept together. Then everyday he slept at my place. A month or so later he fully moved in" Marvin responds. Whizzer looks as though he's about to explode.

My jaw drops "what?! Is that true Whizzer?"

He bites his lip but nods "I don't know if I want to slap or kiss you" Whizzer whispers into Marvin's ear, but I could hear it. They then start kissing.

I awkwardly sit there as they kiss "well that double date sounds great" I say over the kissing.

A couple hours later I find myself at a fancy restaurant, sitting next to Whizzer and across from Charlotte. She looks so gorgeous in her skirt and blouse. I smile and gaze into her eyes. She smiles back, reaching across the table to hold my hand. I squeeze her hand and smile even wider. I could live like this forever.

Even though we've only been here for about thirty minutes and only had a few drinks, Whizzer is already drunk, sitting on Marvin's lap, talking about how he wants to play Annie in Annie the musical. This means that I can have a normal conversation with Charlotte and not have my gay dads choosing everything that occurs in our relationship.

"Hey I'm sorry about last night, I was an idiot" I say, looking down, embarrassed

"No no, don't feel sorry, we should've done something more traditional for our first date. I just really love you Cordelia" she says, staring into my eyes "people do crazy things when in love"

My eyes start to tear up "you love me?" Charlotte nods "oh my god, this is all that I want and more" we sit there looking at each other for awhile, drowning out Whizzer trying to sing Tomorrow at the top of his lungs "do you want to go somewhere without this asshole?" I whisper, Charlotte nods.

I wave goodbye to Marvin, whom just nods, and continues trying to shut up his drunk boyfriend. I grab Charlotte's hand and we head out. We end at my bakery. There we have a lengthy conversation, talking about the future, our lives, and basically anything else that pops up. Charlotte tells me about her new job working at the hospital. I have no idea what she's talking about when she starts talking about her schooling, but she looks so good doing so "Char I have no idea what you're talking about, but you look so good doing so" she smiles at me "I know you do"

Then out of nowhere she starts kissing me. I kiss her back, lightly holding onto her shoulders "want to go back to my place?" She whispers in my ear. I nod and we run all the way to her apartment, and this time, I don't feel guilty knowing what we're about to do, for I know that Marvin and Whizzer are doing the same exact thing right now.

//Damn, this took so long, but it's sweet, at least I hope//

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2017 ⏰

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