Izumi: 2

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"I'm starting my own club with the girls."

"What?!" Kyoya was shocked that his fiancée would want to do something like that. He was surprised any of the girls did. They seemed to not like the host club activities very much, so why would they want to create their own?!

Izumi sighed. "We're tired of watching girls fawn over you all the time. So we're making our own club where people can come in and fawn over us. It will be similar to the Host club here, but there will definitely be differences." Kyoya tried to regain his cool composure. He would of course be supportive, he didn't want to be on Izumi's bad side...

"So who will be what type?" Izumi smirked at the question. "Our president, Emi, will be the Tsundere Type, her sister Lila will be the Cute Occult Type, Rose will be the Lolita Type, Lotus will be the Shy Type, and I will be the Devious Type. Oh, and I'm also the vice president. After all, we both know that the president is just the face of the club, where as the vice president keeps the club running."

Kyoya was intrigued. "Where will your club be, and what will it be called?" Izumi set her teacup down. "We'll be located in the abandoned drama classroom right across the hall. We'll be called the Hostess club, a clear sign to people that we're the female counterpart of the Host club. We'll be ready tomorrow after school, you boys feel free to stop by tomorrow. Now we have to start getting the room ready. Bye~" She got up, kissed Kyoya's cheek, then left with the other girls.

The entire Host club watched them go, curious as to what the club would be like.

~~~~~~~Next Day After School~~~~

The boys (and Haruhi) noticed all of their customers were across the hall today, along with half of the male student population. They decided to get up and check out the Hostess club.

They opened the doors and were greeted with a dimly lit room, the only light being the sun filtering through thin royal purple curtains, and a few candles. The smell of sandalwood and lavender filled the room. They looked around to find royal purple and silver furniture, the walls being purple as well. There was a small stage at the back of the room, a door next to it that no doubtedly led to dressing rooms and a sitting area in the back. There were also double doors on the left side, where one of the girls came out with a tray of sweets and tea. It must be the kitchen area.

The Host club was greeted by Izumi. She had her hair curled, flowing over her shoulders; dark makeup; a short crimson dress; fishnet stockings, and black high-heeled boots. "Hi guys~ Nice of you to stop by~" Her smirk was obvious on her face. Kyoya's face paled, and his cheeks blushed. "I-Izumi! What are you wearing?" Izumi blinked. "This is my club uniform. In the Hostess club, we're required to wear an outfit that goes along with out type. Since mine is Devious Type, I went with a devious and seductive outfit. The only thing that would make it better is devil horns and tail, but Emi agreed that it was too corny."

They took a look at the other hostess'. Emi was in baggy short-shorts, a white button-up with the three top buttons undone, and classic converse sneakers. She was currently in the classic tsundere stance, scolding one of her customers for being messy. Hikaru shifted awkwardly and scooted off to where Emi was.

Lila was wearing a black dress that looked like it belonged to vampire nobility. The skirt went to just above her knees, and she wore a dark cloak with it. She also wore knee-high, black, lace-up Victorian boots with heels. She was currently stitching up Belzenef, telling her only customer (Nekozawa-senpai of course) that the cat puppet should be alright. Kaoru happily skipped over to her, saying hi to Nekozaw-senpai as well.

Rose was wearing a cute pink poofy dress with a matching ribbon in her hair. She had white lacy stockings, and little pink flats. She was holding a pink and white stuffed bear, rubbing her eyes sleepily. Her customers blushed and asked her if she wanted some sweets. She smiled and nodded, taking a strawberry cupcake. Hunni ran to her, hugging her and telling her how cute she looked.

Lotus was wearing a lacy lavender dress with matching stockings and flats. She played with the hem of her dress and blushed while her customers continued giving her compliments. Mori walked over and smiled. Lotus got up and hugged him, then sat on his lap and animatedly talked while making hand movements. After she had regained the ability to speak, she became quite the chatterbox. Well, only around Mori.

Tamaki and Haruhi wondered off, saying hi to all the girls.

Kyoya looked at Izumi with a proud smile. He knew most of this had to be her ideas, and he was proud of the work she's done. "You've done very well. And the costumes were a good choice; it brings out the character more." Izumi hugged Kyoya and leaned close to his ear. "Oh, there's more to the club. In fact, we're about to perform." Perform? What?

She waked off with the other girls as they excused themselves. They walked into the back, disappearing.

They soon appeared on the stage, dressed in flapper dresses. Music came on and the Host club immediately paled. It was 'Cell Block Tango'. Why did the girls decide to perform that...? What was even going on...?

The boys watched with fear and aw. Aw because the girls were such good singers and dancers, fear because they of the look in the girls' eyes that said they would kill someone if need be. Hunni just cheered and clapped because he had no idea what was going on, and Rose's part was in a completely different language.

After the performance the girls hurried backstage, then came out again wearing white dresses and carrying flowers. Everyone was confused, then music came on. They were singing 'Dear Future Husband'. The boys blushed as the girls were acting all cute and happy, singing a song clearly to them.

Izumi sung the verse that said 'Don't have a dirty mind~ Just be a classy guy~' and Kyoya stifled a laugh. This girl clearly didn't know what went on in his head. She's in for a surprise on their wedding night.. But he'll try to not be so dirty. After all, he was raised to be a gentleman.

After the song ended the girls went and hugged their fiancés. Kyoya hugged Izumi tightly and smiled. "You did very well with the club. And I'm very impressed with your singing skills. I expected you to sound like a zombie." Izumi pushed him away and scoffed. "Well guess who isn't getting a sleepover with me now? I was going to tell my parents I was spending the night at your place, but that's not happening now since you were rude."

Kyoya hugged her waist. "Wait, I'm sorry~ I didn't mean it~" Izumi snickered. "You teenage boys. I'll stay the night, but there are rules." Kyoya nodded. "I know. I just want to hold you. I don't care about anything else as long as I get to have you in my arms when we go to sleep, and I get to wake up to you." Izumi smiled and kissed him softly.

"You're such a sweetie sometimes~!"

"Shut up..."

(Discontinued) Ouran Host Club: Engagement Of The HeartWhere stories live. Discover now