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                          Sitting by the lake, the waves crashed against the sand oh so ever perfectly. The wind was even just right, but there was something wrong in this peaceful night. It was the tears falling down my face of the memories of someone I use to know and loved.. I come here almost every night, I do this so no one can hear me cry, so no one can even see me cry either.. It's so I can be alone with my own thoughts.  Most people hate being alone with their thoughts but me, well it's the only time I can truly take a breather and remember the days that I was able to see the light, the days where I was out of the darkness.. I never believed it was possible to get out of that darkness, but i was once so wrong. You CAN get out of it.. or well even for a short period of time. Life is filled with ups and downs, but that's only so it can build you to who you are suppose to be.. It's to build you to be a stronger person, a stronger YOU.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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