Three years later.

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"Shuro, Lilia stop running in the house, you'll crack your skull open on something!" Kuro yelled after his children, running up to them with his inhuman speed to lift them both off the ground, bringing them both to the living room so he could supervise them. 

"Mamma caught us again.. " Lilia pouted, puffing up her cheeks in a hissy fit, but she is mature for her 3 year old age. 

"I told you not to chase your brother with scissors, they'll either cut you or someone else, be more careful alright? If you're bored, uncle Hyde and Tsubaki are on their way. Sit tight while I make you two a snack." Kuro ordered, giving them a look over before heading to the kitchen. 


Two hours before. 


"Kuro, how about we bring the kids to the apartment?  To show them where their mother lives?" Mahiru suggested, smiling brightly as he watches his Servamp holding both his kids in his arms, allowing them to cling onto his tank top, giggling about feeling like flying at the higher height. 

"Huh? Ah sure, you and Misono going out?" Kuro asked, setting his kids down on the floor, but they didn't move, they stayed connected to their mother's legs, as if trying to protect their parent the best they could. It was cute to both Kuro and Mahiru. 

"Yeah, and there's a new place by the apartment and I want to go there with him if you don't mind.." Mahiru laughed nervously, scratching the back of his head as he  looked up to the eldest Servamp. Kuro shrugged and waved him off, allowing it. "Go ahead, but rememher to stay close." Kuro agrees, picking up his children to go to the apartment, it wasn't a long walk or for Kuro's case, a teleport there. 

"Thank you Kuro! We'll be back later alright? Meet you there!" Mahiru grinned, running off to find the younger Eve to invite him out to a new diner place nearby. 

"Such a pain.. Let's go on adventure chibis, hold on tight, we'll get there in notime."


Present time


Kuro sighs, making his children a grilled cheese as they wait for his two siblings to appear. Looking over, Kuro takes in the appearance of his children. Lilia having blonde hair, red eyes and his pale, sickly skin, taking after Lily's appearance, while Shuro looked more like him, light blue hair, same darker red eyes and pale skin. They didn't act like him, which is fine but they could calm the fuck down though at points in time. 

The group realized that after they were released from the hospital, Kuro and the twins couldn't be separated too long or Kuro will experience pain of not having the twins in close range, like Eve's and Servamps, but they had a shorter time period than the Eve's to be away. 

Kuro thought that's because they came from his body, and him being their mother figure. It could be a possibility, so they went with that for now. 

"Here, you two eat, your uncles are close by so they shouldn't take long. Uncle Tsu is bringing Belkia for magic tricks. You two be on your best behavior. You hear me?" Kuro warned, setting small plates of grilled cheese on the coffee table, adding a warning not to get food on the couch or floor. They heeded his warning and ate over the table, laughing about the cheese falling out of the sandwich and onto the plate. 

Making Kuros' heart warm at the sight, sitting with them to get into the conversation they were focused on. Which was the topic of magic and wands. Silly kids. 

"Hey, you two want to see something your mom can do?" Kuro smiles lightly, getting his childrens' attention. The twins nodded excitedly, chomping on their snack in silence. 

Kuro didn't  show his kids that he can transform into a cat yet, it took three years to be able to so now he has the chance. 

"Watch me." After Kuro said that, he transforms, hopping onto the table to sit in front of the twins, smiling a bit wider when the kids were ecstatic, watching him in awe and amazement. "Wow mamma is a kitty!" Lilia shouted, dropping her snack to pick up her parent in his animal form, hugging him close to her chest as Kuro nuzzles her. Shuro got his own turn, holding his mother figure up to face him. Kuro snuck a lick to the childs' nose, receiving a giggle from both th kids. 

Kuro knows that he won't regret having kids, his own family. To feel needed, loved and admired by his own children made the Eldest feel so happy, like he could take on the world. It felt good and he wouldn't ever choose a different path. 

"Finish up you two, we're going to the park, your uncles will meet us there." Kuro told the twins, proofing back into his human form to get the small shoes by the door. 

Ever since he gotten pregnant, he is allowed in the sunlight without being forcefully changed back to his cat form. He still couldn't after being released either, so he's able to fully enjoy life with the sun on his skin with both his hands twined with his kids. He won't allow them too far away and the twins knew this. So they stayed arms length or enough for their mother to see them. They are afraid of hurting their mother after all. 

He has to thank Lily for all this when they meet up at the park. This was always a dream to him an it finally came true. 

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