Do we have it or not?

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3 months later- February 

No ones POV

Over the span of 2 months, Dimitri and Jack have been becoming closer but she still doesn't want to start a relationship with him. Katelyn and Zach are still the weird 16 year olds that they are, and Katelyn is becoming closer to Team 10 as she works with them more. Logan on the other hand has been seeing some one secretly and not even Katelyn knows about them.

-Logan's POV-

I had just gotten back from dropping off Katelyn at her job, and as soon as I see my girlfriend on the couch biting her nails, I instantly knew something was up. And yes, I have a girlfriend. Her name is Lizzie, and no one knows about her because we want to keep our relationship secret for the time being. She has dark brown hair and eyes, pale skin like me, but a bit darker because she has been tanning a bit lately, and is around 5'6. She's 22 like me and turns 23 in April again, like me. We've only been dating for about 2 months, and my or may not have done it a couple of times. Katelyn has always been at the Why Don't We house, so I don't worry about not being able to spend time with her that often.

"Hey Liz, what's up?" I said while putting my white yetti backpack on my desk chair. I saw her head jolt up, and I could tell she didn't notice I came home.

"Oh, um noting..." I scrunched my eyebrows together still looking at her.

"Mhmm, well I'll be right back." She nodded her head, and just scrolled through her phone. This was different for her. She has never acted this way around me, I'm a little scared that she's leaving me, but would she? No. Yes? NO! She wouldn't, ugh. Whatever.


I go into my restroom and turn on the light. I do my business and go wash my hands because I'm not that disgusting, when I see it. There. On the counter. No, this can't be happening!? I thought she said it was fine!?

I quickly wash my hands and grab the test fast walking out of my bedroom into the main room. "I'm going to be a dad! Me, Logan Alexander Paul, is going to be a dad." I hear Lizzie laugh quietly as she puts her phone down and stands up. I walk over to her, my eyes as wide as ever, and her smiling lightly.

"How long?" I asked putting the test to the side, and wrapping my hands around her waist pulling her closer.

"About a month." I just kept staring at her in disbelief.

"So you've known for a month?" She sighed before answering me.

"No, I found out today. My friends told me that I should probably take a test because being sick for this long is unnatural. So I did. I took about 10 to make sure. After that, I went to the doctors to make sure, and they said it was positive. I'm a month in-" The smile on her face disappeared and she looked down. "-I'm just not sure if I want it." 

I looked at her with a concerned face. "If you don't want it, we don't have to have it." I picked up her face with my thumb and index finger to make sure she looked at me.

"I don't know. I can tell you want it, I mean look at yourself. And apart of me wants to have it, but then apart of me says no, because you're really busy with going to set plus vlogging, and then I'll be the only one caring for it." A tear fell from her eyes as she said this, and a brought my thumb up to wipe it away.

"You really think that I'm going to just let you take care of it. I'll of course help you. And we can always ask Katelyn, Lydia, and even the boys to help us out. We may only be dating right now, but things like this happen." She stayed quiet and there was a moment of silence  in the room.

"Liz, you don't have to do it if you don't want to. I don't want you to have the baby just because I want it. You're the one that is going to go through the pain, and if you don't want to go through it, you don't have to." She looked at me and I looked at her.

"I want to. I want to have it." We both smiled at each other and I cupped her face and we kissed for what seemed like forever. We both pulled away, and we stood there holding each other. Her head on my chest, and my head on hers.

"Hey, Logey?"


"When should we tell everyone that we're dating plus having a child together?" I thought for a minute before answering.

"How 'bout we tell our parents today, then tell everyone else tomorrow?" I ask her. She nods and we slowly make our way to my desk so that we can tell our parents our news.


How would you feel about an imagine/preferences book about WDW and the Paul brothers? IDK, I'll make it if you guys would read it. Comment 1 if you want the imagine book, or comment 2 if you don't want the imagine book. Oh and if you have any names for the baby comment some names!! I don't know if it should be a girl or boy though, so comment both a boy and a girl name!! 

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