Knock Out

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(I'll give you a chance to theorize what will happed based on the name)


Sorry for the really late update! I'm no longer sick and will start writing again. Yay!

(Third Person P.O.V)

Jungkook couldn't believe it. He only stared in shock.

Really, Jimin? When did they date? How did he even know we we're here?

Jk: "I can't let you do that. She is not in need of saving. She asked me here."

Jimin's eyes became wider. It made Jungkook feel scared.
What is he supposed to do?

(Jimin P.O.V)

How dare he!
She is mine, AND ALWAYS WILL BE!

I looked at him and did what I should have done the first time he laid his eyes on her.

(Jungkook P.O.V)

Before I knew it.....

He punched me.

The pizza flew out of my hands and I dropped onto the floor. I felt blood start dripping down my face. My nose is bleeding.

I got up and caught my balance. I was pissed. Then, I hit him.
Right in the jaw.

(Third Person P.O.V)

With one swing of Jungkooks fist Jimin was knocked out.

He fell on the table then tumbled onto the cold hard floor. He stopped in front of a slice of pizza.

Jungkook was in shock.
Was he really that strong?
Or did his anger make him do that?

He looked up and saw Kaija.
In fear.

She covered her mouth and a tear fell down her face.Then, she ran out.


He then looked around. Everyone was staring at him. He looked at his hands.


He looked down at the unconscious Jimin and saw what he feared the most.

Jimin's hair was red. Soaked in his own blood.

(Jungkook P.O.V)

Did I just kill
Park Jimin?

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