Late nights •Harrison Osterfield• {smut}

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Credit goes to @/ nedleedslove

Harrison was a lot of things when he was drunk; he was confident and cocky; he was a terrible dancer and he sung along loudly to the music, even when he didn't know the words; he was unsteady on his feet and spent most of the night clinging onto the bar so he didn't fall over - but above all, Harrison was awfully flirty.
Handing you the drink he just bought for you, he moved fractionally closer to you so that his knee brushed yours every now and then. Politely thanking him, you took a sip of your cocktail, maintaining his eye contact as you sucked on the plastic straw.
"How are you finding your first premiere after party then?" He asked gently, talking into your ear so you could hear him above the music. Your oldest and closest friend, Zendaya, had invited you to the premiere of her first major movie, Spider-Man: Homecoming, and she had introduced you to her co-star's assistant and best friend, Harrison. Zendaya and Tom were both so busy talking to the press and important movie people all night, you and Harrison had stuck together, and he became your unofficial date for the evening. Since you had arrived at the after party, he bought you drink after drink, danced with you until your feet hurt, and generally just kept you company for the night. He had made you laugh more times than you could count already, and the night was far from over.
"You know what? I've actually had a really good time," you took another sip. "I was worried that Z would be so busy and I'd just be stuck by myself but I've had a lot of fun tonight." You swore your comment made him blush, but he found interest in his shoes, staring at them so you couldn't see his delight. "Have you had fun?"
"Tonight has been the most fun I've had in ages, and I have a lot of fun all the time, so that says something." His words were slow and slightly slurred as he spoke. He reached his left hand out to play with a loose thread on the sleeve of your dress, twisting it round his forefinger. "Do you smoke?" He asked. You shook your head. "Me neither," he said. "But I really want to go up on the roof terrace for some fresh air, you fancy it?"
As you left the bar area, Harrison grabbed your arm in order not to fall onto his face as he stumbled around. Once you reached the stairs to the terrace, you helped him up, reaching the top to find an empty rooftop, fairy lights strung across the place, a couple of large beanbags to sit on placed around the floor, and a beautiful view of the Hollywood skyline.
Harrison sat down heavily on one of the beanbags, pulling you down with him so you were sat across his lap. His nose was touching yours. Cupping your cheek with his hand, he tilted your chin upwards. His lips met yours and he kissed you softly at first before pulling away. Giving him a look of approval to continue, the second kiss was harder, more passionate and slightly sloppy. His tongue dipped into your mouth as his hands wandered, roaming your body. Pulling away, you bit his lip gently, forcing him to squeeze out a throaty moan.

Slamming his hotel door shut as he pushed your body against it, Harrison tangled his hands in your hair, careful not to break the kiss. You tugged on the collar of his crisp shirt, undoing the top button, before loosening his tie from its knot. Harrison pulled his lips away from yours, scooping you up in his arms and stumbled drunkenly as he carried you to his bed. He dropped you down onto the mattress and you watched him as he unbuttoned the rest of his shirt, throwing it across the room once it was off. He climbed onto the bed so his body was above yours before exploring your mouth with his tongue once again.
His right hand supported him from falling onto you while his left hand ran slowly down your side, taking in every curve and detail of your body. He pushed his knee between your legs to open them just as his left hand trailed further up the inside of your leg underneath the fabric of your dress. His lips sucked on your neck, knowing he would leave little purple marks there. He sucked harder when you tilted your head back into the pillows, stifling a moan. Your fingers toyed with the belt loops of his trousers, which were becoming a little too tight as he grew harder. Making you gasp as he took you by surprise, his fingers pushed against the fabric of your underwear, rubbing you gently.
"Let me take off my dress," you said, sitting up so he could unzip the back. The fabric fell from your upper body and you lifted your hips so Harrison could remove it completely. You undid his belt, followed by the trouser button and then the zipper. He moaned quietly as he was no longer restrained by his suit pants. Both of you left in your underwear, you lay back down, hooking your legs around Harrison's waist, pulling his hips against yours. The impact of his crotch against yours made you hungry for more. You kissed him again, your fingers playing with the waistband of his boxer shorts before your hands reached inside of them, giving his bum a small squeeze. Harrison smiled into the kiss.
He found the clasp of your bra, struggling to undo it, until he finally managed with one hand. Throwing the delicate lace behind him over his head, he took your breast in his hand, massaging it gently with his fingers. Pulling him closer towards you, his hips rolled against yours, and soon you were both grinding to a slow rhythm. You ached for him inside of you. "Take off your pants," you instructed, your voice wobbling. He did what you said as you removed your own.
He reached into the drawer of his bedside table, pulling out a silver foil package, and ripped it open with his teeth. You helped him put the condom on, pumping him with your hand a couple of times. Once it was on, he pushed you back down against the mattress as he hovered above your entrance. His breath was shaky against your skin. He pushed inside of you, allowing you to adjust to him before he thrust into you. He quickened the pace until you settled to a steady rhythm. In and out, in and out.

Slipping out from under the sheets, you grabbed your dress from the floor and pulled it on. You glanced at a sleeping Harrison as you opened his hotel room door. You left him naked and alone after a night filled with alcohol and passion. You could still smell the sex in the air as you left his room and you were still a little sensitive between your legs.
In all honesty, you were a little scared of commitment, and you didn't want last night to be the start of something between you and Harrison. Spending the entirety of the previous night together meant you had grown to know Harrison pretty well. He made you laugh and feel special, and you never felt he would rather be elsewhere. Yes, you were definitely attracted to him, but there was no way you could get involved with him. You lived on different continents, and he was always travelling with Tom. The changing timezones and months apart would surely catch up to you both, and you wanted to save yourself from the heartbreak sooner rather than later. Leaving him before he woke up was the easiest thing to do. That way, you could pretend like none of it had ever happened.

"Hey, will you get that?" Zendaya called to you from the kitchen as she poured some drinks. It was her 21st birthday and she was having some friends round her house for drinks and food. Her dog, Noon, followed you to the front door, his paws tapping against the floor as he trotted behind you. You saw the figures of two guys behind the frosted glass of the door, and you opened it, hearing their British accents as they talked to each other, you realised who it was before you even saw their faces.
"Hey!" Tom said as you moved to let them in.
"Hi guys!" You hugged Tom. "Z's in the kitchen." You shut the door as Harrison entered the home. Tom left the hallway quickly to find Zendaya and you heard them greet each other from the next room.
"Hey," Harrison said quietly. You smiled at him shyly in reply, unable to tell if he still thought about the night of the premiere as often as you did. The two of you loitered in the hallway, unsure of what to say to each other.
"Erm, you wanna go through?" You gestured with your thumb behind you into the back of the house. You led him to the kitchen where Tom was helping Zendaya with some food.
"We came a little early," Tom admitted with a laugh. "But we thought you guys might need some help before everyone else got here."
Soon enough, the party was in full swing, and you could feel yourself getting a little tipsy. You sat down on one of the loungers around the pool and closed your eyes, breathing deeply.
"Mind if I join you?" You heard a familiar voice ask. You looked up, your eyes focussing on Harrison, and scooted up to one side so there was room for him to sit. He sat down next to you, his leg touching yours. "Are you avoiding me?" He wasn't as drunk as the last time you saw him. He seemed focused, like he wanted to concentrate properly on your conversation.
"I'm not avoiding you. I- I just thought it might have been a little awkward if I spoke to you properly," you confessed.
"I'm not gonna lie to you, I was kinda sad when I woke up to an empty bed that morning. I thought maybe I'd dreamt the whole thing. But you," he laughed softly, "you left your underwear on my hotel floor." Your face flushed red, and suddenly you were grateful the sun had set and it was dark outside so your flushed cheeks couldn't be seen. You had realised as soon as you shut his hotel room door that you had forgotten it, but the only way you could have gotten it back was to knock on the door and wake him. You abandoned it instead, hoping nobody would notice.
"Sorry about that," you said, lowering your head to avoid his gaze.
"The reason I was a little upset you'd left," he began. "Was because actually I was planning on asking you out on a date that morning."

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