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A/N: I'm really not sure at what age Soldier died. So, he just died at his 30s and he might be on his 40s in this fic. I didn't follow the age given to him. Sorry for the mistakes  

  "Hey Ana, do you think that Soldier hates me or something?" the woman asked Ana Amari who was writing her teams mission report, looked up from her work and stared at her

"What do you mean?" Ana questioned

"It's just... every time we make eye-contact, he looked away. When we're in the same room coincidentally, he leaves. When we're in the same corridor, he goes back to where he was even though I'm going the same way. No communication, whatsoever in any mission which is a disadvantage at one point. I just don't get what's his problem with me" she explained. She then leaned her head on top of her shoulder and released a sigh

"Maybe he is just hiding something" Ana commented and continued writing her report. She just raised a brow to Ana and released another sigh

"I need to leave. I'm sure his waiting" she then stood up and grabbed her bag

"His a mature young man at his age" Ana said

"Just like his father" she then closed the door and left Overwatch headquarters

  "She just left" Ana said to Soldier when she gave her report in his office

"You know you need to tell her the truth" Ana added, but he just won't say anything

"Stop avoiding her" Ana slammed her hands on his desk which gained his attention

"I left her" was the only thing he said

"Then make it up to her. It's been 7 years. No more escaping"

She grabbed her keys from her pocket and opened the door. She's now the owner of the Morrison household and farm ever since they died of an illness and old age. The home in Bloomington, Indiana is under the protection of Overwatch since she is one of the members once Overwatch got recalled and they recruited her. She is one of the Support and Ana is her teacher since she joined the team.

She got inside her cozy home and was greeted by seeing her son acting like a cowboy... just like his Uncle Jesse
"Mom! You're back!" he went back his old kid self and attacked his mom with a big hug

"Hey there, buddy. How's your day?"

"Everything is so much fan with Uncle Jes. But..." he looked back to the couch with a sleeping Mccree

"He got tired easily" she released a quiet laugh

"Why won't you wash up, okay?"

"Sure thing mom" he rushed up stairs and she walked towards the sleeping cowboy

"Hey Jes. Time to wake up"

"No it's not. It's high noon"

"Well, its high noon somewhere in the world" he released a chuckle

"Hey, don't ya go and steal me lines all of a sudden" he then removed his hat from his face and put it on his head

"Well you let my son, James, copy your lines"

"He will be following my footsteps someday"

"That's what Genji said. Same goes to Tracer" she commented and sat down beside him

"By the way, thanks for watching him tonight. Even though you just got back from you mission. And you have another mission tomorrow in the afternoon" she said to him as he stands up

Overwatch: Regret (Soldier 76/Jack Morrison x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now