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On his spare time , he casually visits a strip joint that once was occupied with some of the well-known Justice League members , Black Canary & Huntress.

He cannot stand the sound of people smacking their lips together , chalk being dragged against a chalkboard , or the tip of a fork against a plate.

Just like Tim , he tends to stay up many nights , capable of going without any sleep for 2 days straight as long as he has something to keep him up.

If you're ever wondering where your missing toothbrush/bag of chips/clothes are , they're mostly likely with Jason.

One of his pet peeves is when someone asks how many people has he killed ; he says it's like asking someone how many times have they masturbated—they just shouldn't ask the question.

He kept the first picture of him and Bruce as a reminder of his past life , motivating him to continue on in the present and to always remember the past.

The only types of movies he will ever watch have to include some type of violence—either way, there has never been a single movie he found enjoyable or interesting to watch.

One Halloween , he dressed up as Jason Voorhees to surprise the girls back at the Manor , only to be greeted with flying high heels (projectiles Jason calls them ) and an emo Tim.

His favored person out of the BatFamily members was always Alfred.
Ever since the first day he came in , the boy made his life a living hell for the following months until he took on the mantle of Robin but still , Alfred remained to greet Jay the same way he did when he first visited the Manor.

One of Jason's treasured memories with Bruce was after a mission , having been filled with congestion and a headache along with it , Jason was told by Alfred to rest , insisting him to drink medicine but Jay detested and instead said that he was capable of taking care of himself.
After resting on the couch to watch TV , their quarrel continued until Bruce walked in , removing his cowl and joining in with Jason , telling him it was okay to take the night off.
Later through the night , Jason was asleep with his head rested against Bruce's shoulder as Bruce stared at the bright screen in front of him ; Alfred standing in the doorway with a smile on his face at the two.

Jason's secret talent is having the ability to cook almost anything into a 5 star meal.
// not really a secret talent *shrugs* //

Every time someone brings up anything family-related , he does anything to avoid the topic and will even go to the extent of threatening the person(s) that keeps the topic flowing.

Jason owns a website dedicated to providing the best service of many things , varying from many different types of pain/pleasure guaranteed.
// he's got a kink. //

His preferred sex varies but you could say he's pansexual.
// technically bisexual //

Jason is extremely oblivious of the fact that he's attractive even when others remind him everyday of it.
He's too fixated on the world and tasks at hand , believing his happiness is less important than his daily/regular activities.

He only lets Roy , Kori , Dick and Tim call him Jaybird or any other nickname.
He can't stand nicknames that resemble a baby's or
just flat out girly.

Jason switched wardrobes with Dick for a whole month , suffering 3 weeks wearing tight jeans that felt extremely compressed along with the shirts.
Half of Grayson's wardrobes either had a hole in them or were stretched out the following month , causing Jason to buy him new clothes.

When Jason is by himself in the Manor without Alfred or the rest of the BatFamily , he goes food-diving in the kitchen , raiding every shelf/cabinet there is for Damian's secret stash of snacks along with Ace's kibble/treats.
After finding the two , he switches them into two different bags , putting them back to where they belong when done with and goes to Tim's room to look for any electronic parts/equipment he could
add to his weapon arsenal.
Occasionally, he ends up sleeping on Bruce's / Tim's
bed because of how comfortable it is.

Everyone in the BatFamily knows when Jay is home when the house reeks of cigarette ash , gasoline , or gun metal.

He purposely adds extra salt/sugar to everything Tim eats and makes him eat twice as much as he usually does , stating that he's the skinniest of the bunch.

Jason hates being in a car with Grayson due to his poor taste in music and overly excited attitude when his favorite song comes on , obnoxiously just being himself.

He admits to having a kink but denies to tell anyone what he's into since last time he let that information flow freely , a swarm of girls appeared at the Manor's doorstep to ask for his presence and his ___.
// No need to fill it in since you already know 😂 //

Jason is probably the most dirty-minded from the bunch , pursuing the life of Gotham's greatest sugar daddy.

E n d
' Damn I've never updated for awhile but that's that. '

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