Secret Recipe!

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Secret recipe

“Yes, I’m sure the baby will be fine.” said Annie to Mrs Kennedy.

“Ok, ok, just only check on the baby if she wakes up. She’s quite a noisy kid. There’s a plate of lasagne waiting in the kitchen for you, just microwave it when you’re hungry, ok.” said Mrs Kennedy.

“HONK” went the car horn. “Hurry up Judith, we’ll miss the play.” Mr Kennedy shouted. “Ok, John I’m leaving now.” replied Mrs Kennedy. “I swear sometimes I think he’s the 4 months old baby in this house.” “Annie thanks so much for taking care Abigail on such short notice. We’ll be back by 10 o’clock.” She continued. “No problem.” said Annie. Mrs Kennedy climbed into the car and Annie watched it as it disappeared into the thick fog.

Annie sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. She watched for a while but then she heard her stomach growl she went to get the lasagne. It was delicious, it was so creamy and rich she felt like she would never think anything would be tasty again in comparison. And as soon the lasagne was finished, she regretted that she was so greedy when it came to food.

After watching some more TV she began to be concerned that the baby had been awfully quiet. She walked up the creaky stairs and went into Abigail’s room and looked in the cot. She stared down into it but there was no baby. She panicked, going into hysterics thinking the baby had been kidnapped while she watched TV. Annnie dashed out onto the lawn looking up and down for Abigail but alas she could not be seen. Just then the car pulled up and Mr and Mrs Kennedy got out.

 “HELP, HELP, THE BABY’S GONE” cried Annie.

“I thought we told you not to go up there.“ said Mrs Kennedy in a sinister tone. “The little thing just wouldn’t shut up so we had it, shall we say ‘put down’ ” said Mr Kennedy. “How could you!” yelled Annie. “I’m calling the police.” she said. “That’s fine, but you will be accused.” said Mr Kennedy. “After all they will never find the body.” he said. “Tell me.” he continued “How was the lasagne?”

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