Gotcha: A Zinger One-Shot (ZombiexRinger; The 5th Wave)

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This is a one-shot for the ship Zinger, as seen above. Requested by fabulous_filipina
Guys, this is an AU in which the waves never happened and everybody is still alive. Enjoy!


"Come on, Ringer," I told her. "It'll be fun. You like shooting things, don't you?"
She looked at me for a second with beautiful dark eyes before answering, and I felt like she was staring into my soul, trying to figure out exactly what I was thinking.
Ringer was pretty. She had sleek, straight black hair the color of ink, and beautiful dark eyes. She was tall and fit. She was currently wearing a tight black tank top and black jeans, perfect for laser tag.
"I'll shoot when necessary," She replied finally.
"Right," I said with a grin. "We're going to make a great team."
"Team?" Ringer asked. "I'm going to destroy you, Zombie. There's no way we're going to be on the same team."
My smile grew a bit wider. "Challenge accepted."
We joined the others; Cassie, Evan, Nugget, Teacup, Dumbo, Oompa, Razor, and Poundcake.
I didn't like Razor. He had a crush on Ringer and was always trying to flirt with her. I was pretty upset when Ringer gave him the nickname Razor due to an inside joke. His real name was Alex.
If you hadn't noticed already, each of us have a nickname. Marika is Ringer. She got that name from us when we heard her father calling her that. She won't share the backstory to the name, but we call her that anyways.
Cassie is called Mayfly by her boyfriend, Evan, who we sometimes call Silencer. Cassie got her name because she jumps from place to place. Cassie's family is always moving, and she recently moved back to our school. Evan says she's here for a day, then gone. He's the only one allowed to call her Mayfly.
Evan got the name Silencer from Cassie, and, well, you don't want to hear that story.
We call Sammy Nugget because of his size. Also, he wanted a nickname. He's Cassie's little brother, and he always wants to tag along. I don't mind; I love the kid.
I genuinely have no idea why we call Allison Teacup. She's seven years old, and Ringer babysits her. She's a cool kid. She'll tag along every once in a while.
Dumbo gets called Dumbo because of his giant ears. I don't know his real name; I was sick for a week and all of the sudden there's a new kid called Dumbo. Everyone refuses to tell me his real name. The two of us are buddies, not gonna lie.
Poundcake got his name because he's soft and as sweet as cake. The kid never talks, so we don't know his actual name, but we can tell he's kind from his actions.
Kenny got his nickname, Oompa, because he loves chocolate. I don't think I need to explain anymore if you've ever picked up Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
My name is Ben. I get called Zombie because it's a common occurrence for me not to get much sleep and look like a zombie at school the next day.
The ten of us gear up. "I'm team caption," I announced. "I'll be the other one," Ringer said. I looked at her. "You wanna go first, Marika?"
"Teacup," She chose.
"I choose Dumbo," I said.
We grabbed our guns and headed to our base. I had a pretty great team. "Okay," I said. "Nugget, you go after Teacup. Cassie, you try to get Evan out. And no Silencer business while you're at it. Oompa, you attack Poundcake. Dumbo, you have Razor. Leave Ringer to me."

. . . .

The game began. The first one to get out was Oompa, then Razor. I spotted Ringer sprinting towards Dumbo. I followed her.
The sensor we were supposed to shoot was on the front of the chest, so I couldn't hit her from behind.
Dumbo hit Poundcake's sensor with his laser gun, and the other boy's green light blinked out. He  jogged towards the sidelines. Dumbo turned around just to get shot by Ringer. His red light faded, and he followed Poundcake.
I pointed my gun at Ringer. She peered over her shoulder and moved out of my line of fire.
"Nice try, Zombie. You'll have to catch me first."
She turned and ran away from me. I chased her.
We twisted and turned. More people got out, and now it was just Evan, Cassie, Ringer, and I.
Marika had led me into a corner. "Gotcha," I said. After all, she was the one who was trapped.
She smirked, and flipped the tables. All of the sudden, I was the one in the corner. Ringer's body was pressed against mine. I didn't dare shoot her and ruin the moment.
Then, she kissed me.
She was fantastic kisser. Her lips were soft, and her hair smelt like lavender. She tasted like strawberry lip balm.
It wasn't long enough. She pulled away after a second, and I stood there gaping at her like an idiot.
Ringer smiled, genuinely smiled, and shot the sensor on my chest.

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