Chapter 1.1

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"Charlie. CHARLIE. CHARLIE!!!!"

Charles woke up to his little sister, Emma. She sat perched on his chest, staring with excitement into his eyes.

"What do you want?" said Charles to his sister with a sence of irritation.

"Today is the day, Charlie! Today is your first day at the National School on Mutual Wizardry," shrieked Emma, gleaming.

Charlie is a Dragonian, a dragon-blessed wizard. He hadn't had his mark branded upon him yet. Any wizard who hasn't been branded, goes to a school of Mutual Wizardry.

"Ah yes. But why did you have to wake me up two hours early?" said Charles.

"You need to go to get some magic amplifiers," answered Emma.

"Some what?"

"Really? I am 2 years younger than you and I know more about Wizardry than you do? I am not even a wizard. Magic amplifiers are items like wands and enchanted necklaces that strengthen the output of a wizard's Magic powers."

"Well then, lets go to the Magical Emporium."

A rushed breakfast and a struggle out the door later, Charles and Emma were out and about, walking towards the Town Centre.

In the Town Centre, stood a 10 feet tall statue dedicated to the town hero, Vulcan, who was a powerful, spear-throwing knight. The wizard-townfolk however, saw a Life Magic Legend, Vulcanius, who was Vulcan in his true form. True Vulcanius was covered in magma and obsidian from upper neck to toe, and had glowing red eyes. Legend had it, that Vulcanius was a hellhoundius, a hellhound-blessed.

"Where are we heading?" asked Charlie.

"That shop over there," said Emma, pointing towards a tattered, old building towards the north side of the town centre. It was covered in moss and planks were falling off the holey roof.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Nope. Only wizards can enter and see the true form of the Emporium."

"See you later then"

Inside the Emporium, there was not the slightest evidence of what it looked like outside. The place looked like a throne room crammed with shelves packed in all sorts of Magical goods. The floors were lined with red carpets and the ceiling showed the current constellations. There were no walls in sight, only empty voids as far as you could see.

"Hello?" said Charles nervously.

His voice echoed throughout the giant maze of shelves. He jumped out of his boots when he heard a response.

"Hello darling!" gleamed an old woman from behind the counter to Charles's left. He swore that it was not there before.

"Hello ma'am. I am Charles Baker, a Dragonian. I wish to perchase a wand."

"Charlie. I gave been expecting your presence. Your father ordered something for you when you wore born."

"My father? For me?"

"Before he left to go on the mission that lead to him never returning, he came here and bought an amplifier for you. He never told me when he wanted you to have it, but he said that I would know that time. And now is the time child."

"Do you know what he did that lead to his dissappearance?"

"I know as much as you child. My apologies. Let me retrieve your amplifier. I shall return."

The old woman dissappeared behind the curtains that were behind her. Charles swore that those were were never there either.

She returned a second later, carefully holding a small wooden box.

"Here you are my child... Oh no! Where are my manners? I am Maven Victoria the Thundian. A thunderbird-blessed."

"THE Maven Victoria. It is such an honour!" exclaimed Charles breathlessly.

Maven Victoria is the most powerful Death Magic user of this century. She and Vulcanius fought for the title of best wizard, but neither could best the other.

"Silence my child. I am in awe of you. I sence a strong blessing within you. The dragon by whom you were blessed really deemed you worthy." said Maven.

"Pardon-" said Charles before he was interrupted.

"Here you are my child. This amulet is most effective for Dragonians."

"How is it able to amplify the effectiveness of my Magic?"

"It has a sample of the Magic radiated by a Dragonian. The enchantments on the item amplify the amulet's wearers power, if the amulet's sample and the Magic of the wearer are the same."

"So it makes my Magic more potent because this amulet shares the same Magic as me?"

"Exactly that my child. Best of luck with you."

"Thank you Ms Victoria."

"Please call me Maven child."

"Thank you Maven."

"My pleasure child."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2017 ⏰

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