Reacting To: The Great Comet (Moscow)

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After watching the video above

Angelica: They have such nice pretty names
Eliza: Yeah, they sounds Russian
"They live in Russia."
Eliza: Oh, I forgot

Peggy: She scared me half to death
Eliza: Who?
Peggy: That women who sings after all the names
Eliza: Oh, me to

George: This might be the only thing I like

Theo: This is a nice moving picture
"Its called a video."
Theo: Well, this is a nice video

Angelica: This Natasha girl sounds a lot like you Eliza
Eliza: thats strange?

Alexander: I feel bad for her, she misses her fiancé so much
Eliza: I felt the same way when you went off to war

What the hell is after this song I forgot

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