Chapter 2

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I raise my hands. The scientist raises his gun.
"Richtofen... think about this." I mutter to him lowly.
"Enough of this foolishness, Dempsey," he spits at me. "We must solve this... mystery."
I feel the blood run to my face in anger.
"What mystery, Richtofen? Because I think it's pretty clear that there isn't one!" I snarl.
He laughs in my face.
"Oh, Dempsey. A simple American like you just wouldn't understand," he says patronisingly, and fires at the police officers.
Two men fall to the ground. I can hear the officers shouting to each other.
"What the hell is that?" "Oh my God, they're dead," "Looks like some kind of gun," "Who are these people?"
"Richtofen!" I roar, as I draw my own gun on him.
"This has to stop!"
He smiles coldly, his pistol still aimed at the officers.
"Go ahead. Shoot me." He says.
I aim the gin at his head and place my finger on the trigger. But I know even before I lift it that I could never bring myself to do it.
"Damn it Richtofen." I snap, and put my gun back in its holster.
Suddenly, I'm tackled to the ground by a police officer from behind.
I struggle below him, but he's pinned me down well.
"By the name of the king, you are under arrest!" The officer shouts.
I struggle under him, and try to push him off, but he hits me across the jaw and my head smacks against the ground.
Dizzy, I watch my three allies face the same fate.
He drags me to my feet, twisting my arm behind my back.
He starts to speak, and I slam my elbow backwards into his jaw. He staggers, and I kick him in the balls and throw him to the ground.
I grab his baton, and look up to see Takeo fending off officers with his katana, Nikolai swinging heavy punches, and Richtofen, his face completely neutral, shooting to kill with his pistol.
An officer runs at me with his baton, and I slam mine into his head before he gets the chance to do the same. With a sickening crunch he collapses to the floor.
I can hear more officers running down the street at both ends, shouting to each other and telling us to surrender.
We are completely surrounded. The police move in on us until we're back to back.
One of the policemen who seems to be the chief walks up to us, seemingly unfazed by being held at gunpoint.
"The four of you are under arrest under suspicion of murder of one of our Apothicon lords, the assault and murder of multiple police officers and-"
A familiar roar interrupts him. One of the undead.
"God have mercy," the police chief says with a look of pure terror on his face.
"They have come again."
He wipes sweat off his forehead, and shouts, "Move out men! Leave this crimnal to the wrath of the demons."
The police officers sprint away, pushing each other to the floor in an attempt to get out.
Takeo lets out a heavy sigh.
"The undead come yet again to haunt us," he says quietly.
I take out my shotgun and pump it.
"Let's have them."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2017 ⏰

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