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It was 3:05 am and I had just woken up from a dream. I had dreamed about this place called wanderlust forest.  I have never even seen it in real life only in that dream. So me be the curious person I am i decide to go and look for it (yay😐) . As soon as I went outside I saw a pink star . Like I said me having NO COMMON SENSE WHAT SO EVER  I decided to follow it and while I was following it i found... WAIT WAIT WAIT HOLD THE IPHONE!! I NEVER introduced myself well let me my name is Elizabeth but all my friends call me Eliza . Now I am telling you the story about how stupid I am . I was stupid enough to let my curiosity take over and basically DESTROY MY WHOLE LIFE . Now your probably wondering how did you do that Eliza well ... That that is what i am telling you , now let's get back to the story shall we
---------------the story-----
While was following it i found ...

     A/N -
         Hey everyone the is the end of the chapter. I know i ended it with a cliff hanger but I will resume tomorrow  (hopefully) .

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