Blinded by love

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I never wanted to be like Kevin and fall in love. I didn't care if I was like him anymore. All I wanted was  to know her more, I can't deny my feelings. I feel like I hate her, and I love her at the same time. I thought I was tricking her. I kept telling myself that I was manipulating her to get what I want. I had to lie about Kevin loving her. It was the only way she would think of him being cruel. But now that she knows everything except that I can't help But Fall for her.  And I feel crazy around her. The old me is alive once again. Passionate, loving, it was me. When I wrap my arms around her small body and feel her. I feel alive. The emptiness is gone. But honest to god I love that she fights, and is so strong around others. She is an honest badass. When we left the gym we talked for hours. I felt like a new person. Like me. I was happy. Kevin will not get to her. My new goal,

train her to fight Kevin. But this time I keep her for me.

Kevin pov
Looking at my hands, feeling the tingling sensation in them as I sat there thinking to myself. I got up from my couch and slowly dragged myself to my kitchen. My house is very big, Alex bought me it. Alex paid for the house With fights I was in he bet on. If I won, he would make bank. And that money goes to my house and all my needs. I know that Alex is supposed to keep me in his mansion with everybody else. But I convinced him to let me be by myself after some time.  It's nice living here. I get to have a nice big house all to myself. I wish I could share it with my love. I still have to lie to here about the fight. I hate that. I have to somehow get Blake away from her.

Diamonds pov
My bed was so warm and cozy and I refused to get up. Trying to push myself out of bed my body didn't wanna move. Frustrated I let out a sigh and thought of Blake. I couldn't help but feel Stuck. Blake assured me he needed me to fight Kevin. Kevin has only been kind to me. But if Blake is telling me the truth, he is just cruel. I guess it's just a cover. Skylar and Blake showed no reason why I shouldn't trust them. But I'm still keeping my guard up. But in a way I feel accepted by them.  Finally I pulling myself out of my thoughts. I picked up my phone and realized I am gonna be late. "Damnit! , I have to take a shower!!!" I cursed at myself and pushed myself up. Quickly getting in the shower i rushed to finish up.

I got dresses for my second day at this hell hole. Hoping this will be a better day. I saw my mom sitting on the couch. She had her usual cup of coffee and sleepy eyes.
"Are you ready for your second day?"
    She asked trying to get up of the chair. I laughed when she. Plopped back down. she was so tired.
"Mom, I know your tired but we need to get going, I don't want to be late."
I really didn't want to go to the rehab it's self, but knowing that Blake was there and Skylar made it all better. Talking to Blake last night made my hopes and almost everything go up. I guess I did have feelings, but I'm not head over heals yet.

.....30 minutes later .....

Arriving at the building I walked through the glass doors and was surprised to see somebody new had come . It was a girl she was tall, taller than me. And had long blond hair and dark piercing blue eyes. Feelinh mu jealously build up I calmed myself down. I remember what Blake told me last night.
"Your perfect just the way you are."
   I felt invincible now. It's crazy how somebody's words can change everything. Blake opened the door to call everybody in and looked perfect as usual. He had his clipboard, and started to call everybody in. Blake looked at me, I smiled at him remember last night. He smiled back at me showing his straight teeth. his smile. Looking around the room his face changed. He looked like he was drooling. He looked at somebody behind me. It was the new girl.
She's really pretty, but do you gotta look at her like that ?
I thought he was gonna make a kiddie pool of drool. I laughed to myself.

Blake called everybody in, but this time he called her in first. No biggie I thought. I got called in first and I was new... right? Why was I so obsessed? I cant obsess over some guy that's gonna end up breaking my heart. I can't have my feelings played with anymore.

When we went to the group room Blake didn't save me a spot. Instead the new girl was sitting there. He was chatting her up.
I could feel my blood boil and my jealousy start to take over.
Ok no problem he is just being friendly because she's new ?
I sat down next to Skylar. It was time to introduce everybody again. While Blake was introducing himself to everybody he stared into her blue eyes. Damn steal her soul why don't you.
Why am I so mad?

Ignoring my feelings and pushing them down even more she introduced herself . With an almost bratty voice she spoke "my name is Diana."
Making sure to be kind I welcomed her. She just brushed me off with a hair flip. Blake didn't even acknowledge me. My heart ached and I could feel each heart beat loud in my ears. I pushed that down with the rest of my feelings. During group Blake didn't even say hi or give me one glance.   Skylar talked to me the whole time. She was even questioning why he ignored us.
lunch came I knew everybody was going to be crawling all over 'Diana'.
Everybody had their eyes on Diana as soon as we walked in. Skylar and I got minded our business and got our lunch. We sat at a open table. "What is so interesting about her? She is like bait on a fishing line."
Skylar remarked.I could tell she was annoyed.
"I don't know"
Feeling annoyed I spilled my feelings. "Blake and I were getting along so well. What happened?" Stopping my thoughts, I told myself I was overreacting. I don't need anybody's attention.
"I know! how about you walk over and be really nice then I will walk over and spill this milk all over her."
Skylar had a huge mischievous smile. She held her milk up. Feeling like I could get revenge, I agreed.
"Ok I'll be back, watch closely"
I got up, And walked over 'happily' to greet the new student. Diana. I mentally rolled my eyes. Of course She was sitting with Blake. When I got closer Blake was holding her hand under the table. Looking at Blake for any kind of recognition, nothing, he starred at her like nobody was there.
"Hi Diana I just wanted to welcome you here, if you need anything you know where to find me"
I really tried to sound genuine. And not to beat her up in this lunch room. She was so busy staring into Blake eyes that she just shook her head up and down . Feeling annoyed I walked over to Eric's table. Eric was wearing ripped black skinny jeans and a a black v neck. He wore a silver chain around his neck and I could smell his cologne just from my table.

I wanted blake to feel jealous, and angry like I did. I hated this feeling of being ignored by him. I pushed the voice away in my head telling me to stop. I loudly talked to Eric so Blake could hear.
"Hi Eric I was wondering if I could take you up on your offer. Can we talk in the hallway?"
Trying to sound cute. It must've worked because Eric stumbled out of his chair to stand up. I looked back at Blake to see that he wasn't looking.
"Alright guys I'll be back soon!"
Eric loudly spoke. Looking over to see if Blake was looking at all. this time he was. He looked at me with a straight face almost like he was hurt.
He was the one that was hurt, he's the one that is ignoring me, and fell in love with some blond bimbo.
I said fuck it and wrapped my hands around Eric's neck and pulled myself up on him. Wrapping my legs around him.
"Ok I can deal with this."
Eric sounded excited. I hated this feeling of being easy, and most of all jealousy. Before I could sneak a peak at Blake to see if he was still looking. Eric grabbed my butt and carried me out to the doorway. Having a shocked look on my face Eric spoke.
"Look who came out of their shell."
He had a smirk on his face. We were standing in the door way of the lunch room. I saw Blake looking at us. he looked so pissed, And Diana was trying to talk to him. Not wanting to give Blake a chance I forced myself to kiss Eric. I smashed my lips onto Eric's.
Making out with Eric made my stomach nauseous. He was such a fuck boy after all. I saw Blake getting out of his chair. He came over to me.
"Diamond you don't want to do that." Blakes voice was stern. Jumping off of Eric I walked away to my table, flipping my hair in the process to resemble Diana's attitude. Eric being the guy he was sat back down and talked with his group about it. Blake standing there, looked so mad. Diana walked up to him and pulled him over to their table.
"Woah look at you go."
Skylar looked at me shocked. Not feeling enough revenge, I told Skylar to do her part of the deal. I watched her walk over. She faked tripped over 'nothing' as she spilled milk all over Diana's hair and back. I laughed so hard I fell off my chair. Laying on the cold floor I literally could not breathe. Skylar was on the floor too. And she give me a thumbs up.  Diana freaked out about her outfit getting ruined.
"I'm so sorry Diana."
Skylar giggled . Diana gave her a dirty look ran out of the room shrieking. Skylar walked up to me and high fived each other and laughed. The satisfaction of revenge is great.

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