the one with the orange juice

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September 2nd, 1975

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Er, eating my breakfast?"

"Not like that you're not!"

Edie's pleasant morning suddenly went to shit as her awaiting spoonful of Cheeri Owls cereal went flying out of her hand, across the table, and onto the floor, narrowly missing a very startled Lily Evans. The tired blonde whipped her head to the side to glare at Marlene who glared right back. "What the hell was that for?" Edie yelped.

"Don't tell me you were actually going to eat that," Marlene screeched back with a look of pure disgust. Edie rolled her eyes, not bothering to argue with her friend and instead reaching for another spoon, only to have her bowl snatched away. Beyond frustrated, Edie slammed her hands against the table and shot up. Of all people, Marlene should know not to mess with a hungry Edie.

"For Merlin's sake, can I please eat my breakfast in peace?!"


Across the table, Alice's eyebrows furrowed in confusion at her two friends' behavior. "Marlene, what exactly is the issue?"

The freckled blonde huffed, aggressively shoving the bowl of cereal over to Alice, Lily, and Mary so they could see for themselves. Lily's reaction was almost instantaneous as she nearly spit out the milk she drinking. The witch let out a strangled cry, "Is that orange juice? Please don't tell me you were planning on eating your cereal in orange juice. Have you gone mad?!"

Utterly fed up with her friends' dramatics, Edie stomped away from her spot at the Gryffindor table. Could the poor girl not eat her cereal the way she pleased? Besides, her friends knew better than to annoy her this early in the morning-- especially when she was hungry. The blonde caught sight of a particular group of shaggy-haired pranksters yawning and rubbing their eyes. She made a beeline for them, hoping for better results.

Edie abruptly wedged herself between Sirius and James, startling the two boys as she hadn't announced herself. Still not saying a word, she snatched the box of Cheeri Owls from Peter to fill her own bowl before carelessly tipping the orange juice carton over it. All four boys raised an eyebrow at her to which she responded by shoving a spoonful of cereal into her mouth.

"What crawled up your arse this morning?" James snorted. His question was shot down with a glare to which he raised his hands in surrender. "Hey now, don't take it out on me."

The marauders continued on with their minimal, early morning conversation without a second thought. Edie eventually relaxed, relieved they hadn't questioned her odd breakfast combination. They probably hadn't even noticed it anyways-- James was too tired, Sirius had seen it before, and Peter, well, Peter had probably already tried it. Although, it was out of character for Remus not to notice. He typically picked up on the smaller things Edie did. At this thought, her eyes wandered up to meet his.

A small smile graced Remus's features, one of admiration if you looked hard enough, although confusion was present. He nodded towards the colorful contents of Edie's bowl with a raised eyebrow. His unspoken question should have annoyed the young girl, but she smiled back before offering a spoonful to him. The soft smile didn't leave his face and he politely declined with a small shake of his head. Edie shrugged, feeding herself the awaiting spoonful instead. Her eyes went back to her food, but his remained trained on her as he blindly sipped his tea.

Their wordless conversation went unnoticed as the five Gryffindors finished their meals quickly in preparation for the day ahead.

"So what have we got today?" asked James.

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