Big Bad Wolf pt 2

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Jess starts throwing energy blasts at the wolfs legs and at the same time Taylor is using so cannons to blast the wolfs legs too.
Taylor: What the hell is this thing made of? My lasers aren't even making him stumble.
Jess: Then try harder!
Jess uses both hands and charges up a ball of energy and throws it at the wolfs legs, making dust appear.
Jess: I hope I did it.
Then the wolfs leg stepped out of the dust.
Jess: ... *breathes in* I just want to be the cute girl of the team not the ANGRY PSYCHOPATH!!!
Her eyes go black and purple and she charges at the wolf at speeds close to Usain Bolt speed. Jess the starts blast at the leg, causing only scuffs.
Taylor: I have no idea, but we are gonna have to keep on blasting.
Up on a roof, Aiden is standing and screaming at the wolf, trying to make it deaf. But all it does is make the wolf scratch it's ear. Jayden jumps up and starts climbing the wolf all the way to it's head.
Jayden: Alright Jay, you can do this. Just need to stab the eyes and hopefully not kill the wolf.
Jayden then stabs one of the wolfs eyes, making the wolf howl in pain and trying to shake off Jayden.
Taylor flew up and grabbed Jayden right as he was about to be flung across the town.
Taylor: Gotcha.
Jayden: Thanks. Now that it can't see in one eye, maybe it'll be-
Just then the wolf's eye began to heal.
Jess: Would really love it if Frank was here.
Taylor dropped Jayden by Jess.
Taylor: I think we all would. But right now we need to-
Just then the wolf smacked Taylor into a building. Aiden then jumped onto the wolf's head and went straight to it's ear and screamed, which caused the wolf to smack it's ear and make Aiden fall to the ground.
Jayden: Alright, this thing is really starting to piss me-
Just then the wolf grabbed Jess and started punching her into the ground twice and just threw her into a building. The wolf began to walk towards Jay who just stood there with his head hung low and his blades are sheathed into his hands. But right as the wolf was about to step on Jayden, Jayden's eyes turned red and blades shot out from his elbows. Jayden then disappeared just before the wolfs foot crushed him. He then reappeared on the wolf's shoulder and started to slice and dice the wolf's face. He then jumps to the ground and fell to his knees. The blades return and his eyes turn white.
Jayden: Mother fucker I just got a massive headache. What the hell-
He looks up to see the wolf holding his face.
Jayden: Fuck yes, I must've done-
Then the wolf hands pull away and show it's face is fully healed.
Jayden: Sonuvabitch.
The wolf the punched Jayden, sending him flying into a building. Jess and Aiden then get up.
Jess: Aiden, I don't think we can do anything. This beast is to strong. Hehehhehehehahaha finally, the world will be better off now that I will be dead.
???: Stop that talk Jess.
Jess looks up to see Mike with a rocket launcher.
Mike: We need you right now.
Jess: How can I help, my powers did squat.
Mike: Maybe if you can charge up this rocket then maybe we can hurt the beast.
Jess: ... How will I be able to do that?
Mike: Just touch the rocket-
Mike hands Jess a rocket.
Mike:- and just use your powers to charge it.
Jess: If I die, you will pay for my funeral.
Mike: Yeah yeah yeah, just charge the damn rocket!
Jess charges the rocket and hands it to Mike who loads it into the launcher and then aims said launcher at the wolf.
Mike: Of course I must have a amazing one liner. *breathes in* BOOM BOOM MOTHERFUCKA!!!!!
Mike pulls the trigger and the rocket launches and hits the wolf and smoke surrounds the area.
Jess: Did we do it?
Then in the smoke a purple light is shown zigzaging and then a roar of pain is heard from the smoke.
Mike: What the hell is going on?
Then the smoke settles and standing in the center is a girl who lookd like Olivia except she isn't wearing the mask and is wearing a hood. The Olivia look-a-like looks straight Mike and smurks. Then she runs off, leaving Mike with a thought in his head that he hopes isn't true.
Jess: Who was that?
Mike: Our worst nightmare.

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