Fettuccine X Alfredo

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Shout out to kittyyura and GameVsOdds680 for these suggestions! Go follow them! Enjoy the OneShot!

Fettuccine's POV:

I was at da Walmart with ma hawt sister, SPAGHETTI!!! She was hangin' out with her husbando, Marinara Sauce. Then, I see this girl. Her hair was blonde and her eyes were hazel. She must be a cheese!

I go up to her. "Hey, cutie! I'm fettuccine, and I wanna make pasta babies with chu~" I smirk. *Inserts lenny face* She looks at me like any cute girl would look at me. Like an idiot.

"Umm.... Hi.....? I'm Alfredo... I like pasta......???" she says confused. I think she is falling for meh... Spaghetti goes to me. "JUST KISS HER ALREADY!!!" she yells, while making out with Marinara Sauce.

I kiss Alfredo's cheesy lips. Then, we fell in love, got married, HAD A BILLION PASTA BABIES, and lived happy ever after. The end.

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