Ellie Bishop

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Part 2

→ Ellie's Pov :

Oh Gosh ! It's so strange.I want that they like me.I think they hate me.I really understand them.I go the autopsy and I see an old and a young man.

The old man asked: „ Who are you?" oh man...I think I hear this for a thousand times this day .

„ I'm Ellie Bishop, the new memeber from Gibbs Team and you are Dr. Mallard? Right?!"

„yes but you can call me Ducky!"

„Ducky?" „yes, I became this Name in my school.I hated it but now I really like it!"

„Ok Ducky...why do you not say that I don't belong to this Team?Everybody said it to me...why are you so friendly to me? I mean... why do you not say that I'm not Ziva and you only want Ziva?"

Ducky:" I understand you... and yes I really miss Ziva ...she is very important for me...but I think you will be a nice new family memeber! Really nice to meet you!"

„Ducky? Can I ask you something?" „of course" „why does everyone Hates me?"

„It's not because of you...I think it was a REALLY special relationship between Tony and Ziva...and Tony's old partner, Kate died.

It was a special Relationship too.And it's hard to accept for Tony that Ziva is gone.Gibbs real daughter died when he was in use and after this, Kate died...she was like a daughter to him too.And know his 3rd daughter is gone.Rememeber...Family is just more than DNA.We are a big Family its not easy to see someone gone and its really hard to accept for them that a new memeber of our team comes.They just miss Ziva.Wait a few days.I'm sure they will love you."

„Thank you Ducky" I hugged him and ask the younger Man;" Hey and who are you ?"

„I'm Palmer, the autopsy Gremlin," He laughed.

"Oh no I forgot...a dead Petty Officer was founded in Quantico ! We have to drive to the crime scene and I should drive with ... Gibbs instruction."

„Ok let's go !Tony . Oh sorry I meant Bishop!!!! oh noooo can you help me ...I lost my key!"

Bishop: „ yes of course" We found the key after 10 minutes and drive to the crime scene.

McGee's Pov :

I miss my big sister...she has always helped me when Dinozzo annoyed me.She was so important.Everything has changed when she came and everything has changed when she is gone.McGee!!! I have to concentrate ! I heard that Gibbs says that I drive.I waited that Ziva takes the car keys but then I realized again, that she is gone.

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