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Bonus Chapter :D


I stumbled over my feet as I followed Ares toward his palace, my head was spinning and to be honest I wanted to barf out all my lunch and breakfast. 

"Come on, kid. If you want to be stronger and beat the shit out of Grace you cant be stumbling like that." Ares said with a scowl.

I nodded quickly and tried to keep up with his pace. I didn't expect Ares to curse. He always seemed calm and collected, even when he was extremely pissed off. I followed him into his palace and we walked to his massive backyard. We stood on his patio and in a small square of glass were two people. They were fighting with long leg swings and short hard punches. They were moving at supersonic speeds and I felt insanely jealous. They were on glass too! How are they not breaking it?!

The girl had caramel hair that was in a tight ponytail yet it went to her ankles. Her eyes sparkled a mischievous light blue color. She looked pretty happy and so did her opponent. A blonde haired guy with dark brown eyes and black rimmed glasses. He would've looked like a total nerd if he wasn't shirtless showing off his six pack.

I felt even more insecure and my stomach ached. Crap, I'm still working on my abs...

"Eri! John!" Ares voice boomed and in a second, the two had stopped fighting and were standing in front of Ares kneeling with their heads down.

I took a step back and my mouth popped open. 

"Eri, John, meet Nico di Angelo." Ares pushed me forward to them and I tripped and fell face first onto the stone patio. Oh my gods.... How fucking embarrassing.

"Um, Lord Ares is he okay?" the girl who must have been Eri asked.

I stood up and was met with a quick punch to the side of my jaw. Again, I landed face first and cursed. 

"Get up, kid!" Ares shouted. I stood quickly and swiftly composed myself. "Introduce yourself."

"I'm Nico di Angelo." I held out my hand but it was quickly crushed into my side when I was pulled into a hug.

"Oh my gods, you are so adorable!" a girls voice screamed. I shouted in pain when I heard a crack.

"Eri, you broke his arm!" John shouted. His eyes were wide. 

Eri pulled away and looked at my now twisted arm. "Oh my gods, I am so sorry, Nico!"

She twirled her finger and my arm twisted back to its original form. I smiled at her. "Daughter of Hecate?"

Eri nodded happily and pulled John over. "And he's a son of Athena!"

"Seriously?" I deadpanned.

John sighed and pushed up his glasses. "Yes, I am a child of Athena."

"And he's a total nerd." Eri whispered in my ear.

I chuckled and Ares' voice snapped me out of everything. "Anyways, kids, Nico here is going to be training with us so he can beat old Zues' son!"

Overhead, thunder rumbled and Eri, John and Ares boomed with laughter. I stood there awkwardly. "So um when does training start?"

In response, I was punched in the gut, kicked flying a few feet away and got punched in th e face while I was down. "Its been started."


"Come on, di Angelo! Sprint!" Ares' voice echoed across his backyard and I pushed myself to run harder around the track. Eri and John were a few laps ahead of me and I kept pushing myself. Ares' was making us sprint around the track 50 times. I've been sprinting for an hour and I was on my 45th lap. I was starting to get used to it and I was exhausted. But I never stopped. Yeah, I turned and puked a few times but I kept going. 

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