Chap 3 uh oh

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Heard my mom opening my door (bet ya thought it was gonna get dirty) so we both jumped away from each other. Once my mom saw us a smirk grew of her face.
"Oooh so one of you FINALLY made a move, we started thinking you guys are so blind that you couldn't see how you felt for one another." JD chuckled as my face grew a bright shade of red. "Really mom why couldn't you talk to me alone later." I tried to look angry but couldn't. She laughed and said "I'm sorry I have just been waiting for this moment for soooooooo long, I just had to express myself." And with that she left. JD looked at me with lust in his eyes licking his lip then biting it, he is too hot for me. Next thing I know he's attacking me with kisses.
After making out for a while JD started to speak "(y/n) I know what I'm bout to say sounds crazy but I wanna blow up the school, will you help me." My eyes went wide. But then I gave him a big smile and said "With you I'll do anything. Then he kissed me again and

Warning mention of smut but no details. (If u guys want tell me if u want it more detailed)

We did it. We woke up cuddling in each other's arms. He kissed me a thousand times while saying he loved me. We then started making our plan.
We were gonna make people sign a letter to society that they were gonna die.
We asked Duke to make everyone sign it. So then we had it all in place in the next couple of weeks.
I then asked "Should Veronica be in our plan." "Why veronica?" "Well she could be helpful and if not we can just kill her." He smiled and said "Okay babe what ever you think is best." We went to Veronica's house and showed her mom Dukes moby dick and then told them about her "depression and thoughts of suicide". Once we were done JD said "This is going to be perfecto." We went through her window and saw she committed suicide. JD looked so sad he started mumbling things in front of her body and I heard him say our whole plan. I noticed her noose was too lose.
As we were walking to the school I told JD "I think she faked it her noose was too lose." He got angry and said "Shut up just leave it alone." We told people about Veronica's suicide. JD and I got the bomb ready and as we went inside of the boiler room we heard someone walking but just ignored it until we hear a gun and a "Stop and put the bomb down." JD laughed and pointed down to where the bomb is which was already on the floor, when Veronica said "I knew that." I laughed. She then said "Just like your dad, your gonna blow up the boiler room with a bomb and then it will set off the thermals up stairs."
She tried to shot JD but...

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