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"SAMMY I'M HOME!!" Dean threw his backpack over the couch and headed over to the refrigerator, knowing there was leftover pie and a can of soda waiting for him. He was expecting the usual 'It's Sam' reply, but nothing came, compelling him to go over to his younger brother's room, only to find him sleeping. Immediately Dean had a rather mischievous idea. He decided to get a paper and roll it, balancing the now half empty can on his brother's head. 

"SAMMY!" Dean yelled in Sam's ear and rolled back laughing like hell when his brother jerked up and was soaked in the sugary beverage.

"Dude! Why!" Sam just couldn't find the right words other than those. "Do you really want to start another prank war? Didn't you learn from the last time Bobby grounded us?" he managed to say after finally thinking what had just happened. 

"Dude, y-you should've seen your face. Totally worth it." Dean said between laughs and left the room, back to his pie. He smirked to himself when he heard the promise of revenge from above. However the smirk was gone when he saw his English paper sticking out from his bag, reminding him of Castiel. 

He must've zoned off, not noticing Sam had come down to the living room and was talking to him. Sam had to nudge him to bring him back to Earth, immediately asking what was on his big brother's mind. Despite being only 2 years younger than Dean, he knew his brother won't give him a straight answer unless he bugged him like a child. 

"Nothing Sammy, just a project." Dean tried his best to make it seem true, but he knows his brother can see right through him. Well technically, i'm not lying.

"Spit it out, Dean. Or I swear my revenge will be 10 times worse than what I intend it to be." Sam didn't stop. Dean looked at the table for a few seconds, contemplating, but he knew he didn't really have a choice,

"Well, there's this guy in my class," Dean turned to Sammy, saw him smirk and immediately understood. "it's not that dude, you know I don't swing that way." Sam just nodded in response, the smirk not leaving his lips. He knew better than to take his word for it, heck he saw Dean check out hot waiters multiple times, whether intentionally or subconsciously. "So anyway, he is a good guy, decent. And we are project partners now because I was late to class. And Zeke asked me who my partner was and I told him. And now Zeke looks at him like he's his dinner or something. I know Zeke will hurt Cas, and i don't want that to happen. He will ruin Cas. "

"Cas?" Sam inquired.

"His name is Castiel, but I call him Cas, though I don't think he likes it." Dean sounded kind of proud remembering Cas did not correct him last time. 

"Ohhh Castiel. I have seen him around. Gotta admit, he is really good looking." Sam saw that Dean was starting to drift off, probably thinking about Castiel's blue eyes, they were pretty distinctive. He continued before he lost Dean to his 'dreamworld', "why don't you want Cas to get hurt?"

Dean couldn't find any reason, nor the words for that matter, so he just shrugged in return and received the best bitchface Sam had to offer and a pretty hard eye-roll. 

"Well. you better find the reason and do something about it soon brother, because you know Zeke" and with that  Dean saw his brother get up and leave. 


"Cassie, could you hand me that red sucker?" Gabriel pointed towards the table, his sweet-tooth will be his downfall Castiel swore. 

"Gabe, you eat too many sweets, and seeing how you refuse to get the lollipop on your own, I'm guessing aren't working out." Despite his disapproval, Castiel still got up and handed his little brother his diabetes-on-a-stick. "you need to cut it, you know it's not good for you."

"Ssshh, no need to be so formal, brother." Castiel could've argued further, but he decided not to, he knew better than to bring the wrath of the 15-year-old trickster on himself. 

Castiel decided to head to his room and start working on his homework. He had completed all, and was tempted to work on his English project alone, but he knew if he did that, it wouldn't be fair to Dean, seeing as he is actually trying. That thought made him process what had happened today. He got partnered with Dean Winchester. There were eyes on him most of the day, either Dean's or Ezekiel's. Ezekiel invited him to a party. He was still confused as to whether Ezekiel was just being polite or actually flirting with him, and he wasn't sure he wanted to know. Ezekiel's reputation preceded him, the heartbreaker. Castiel knew better than to let his guard down, he noticed something in the way Ezekiel looked at him, he just couldn't pinpoint it. Castiel knew he was bisexual, but that did not mean he would just accept anyone.

Apart from everything, there was one thing that bothered him the most. Is Dean angry at me? He couldn't think of what he did wrong, but by the way Dean had replied him in the end, he seemed pissed. His eyelids started getting heavier when he looked at the time, 11:44. Castiel packed everything and went to his bed. Thoughts of Dean being angry still looming over him. That's one of the major things he hated about himself, the need to make sure no one was angry at him, and if someone was, he had to know why and do something about it. No wonder he didn't want to expand his social circle. 

Although there was one picture that had occurred in his mind before sleep took over, green eyes.

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