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I am new here. Haven't even published a single book. I had no plans to write stories but heck the inspiration I got from the tons of book I have read itch my mind to write my own. I have to apologize though for wrong spellings or the misused of grammar and words.

I hope you enjoy. I promise to do my best. Feedbacks and comments are welcome I'd really appreciate it guys.

enjoy reading


The picture above is Daniel Stephan Del Fiaora

*A welcome party*

Its been ten years since he went abroad to get the best education he could get. He manage to get into the famous university in the world, Harvard and I'm envious of him. While I stole hours of my online class from my work, nobody knows that I have taken up an online class afraid that I might lose my job. Being a maid I had manage to survive and save up money for the future. I may have grew up into this house since my mother found me near the gate but I don't have the best relationship with the people providing us the job. Their too good for our own they are too high in the pyramid to even have a decent conversation with any of them.

As I look around, the frantic co-workers of mine seems to be so restless to see the man that even in the picture melted their hearts. I too is feeling that excitement to see the man that made me feel something since I saw his latest photo this morning.

"Are you really that excited to see our master? Because I am super duper excited to finally meet him in person!" I snort. I may be excited but I'm not delusional I might just stay in the kitchen until the party ends. But my mind drifted off to my cheap laptop in my room I still had my final requirements to finally receive my diploma and certificate of accomplishment.

"Maybe, I will take the kitchen and you can take my place serving them in that way you'll get the chance to see him more often." I did not wait for the response as I run off to my room to retrieve the laptop. I went back and hide it behind the shelves I will sneak some time to do my thesis proposal. I don't need to research further because I have read most of the book in these house's library. I got plenty of stock knowledge to last me a whole book thesis idea.

Bethany came back rushing from the back door even without her uttering the word I know that he's already here.

"His here, oh my god the nerves in my body felt like exploding!" I laugh

"Spare me the gory sight, go and welcome the man of your dreams." and off she run towards the humongous foyer to greet the master. The man who is next to the title of being a scion. The noise tells me that even the guest join the party of welcoming the man who they'll gonna lick for favors and used him to gain more wealth.

The party progressing smoothly and when I'm sure that everything is in place I hide behind the counter and retrieving my laptop. I was so engross of the words, ideas and everything that pops into my mind that I never notice someone hovering on above  my head leaning so comfortably on top of the counter. I just got my senses back when I felt my back numbing from being bend uncomfortably for god knows how long. As I rotate my neck an audible gasp escape my mouth finally acknowledging the person who is non other than the future VIP of Luxembourg.

The smirk that made its way to his lips does not send comfortable feeling in my chest it was the dread of someone finding out her four years of secret. "I'm so fucking screwed, why does it have to be this man."

"I apologized SIR, I'm not neglecting my job I just realize since the party is tuning down and everything in the kitchen was in place I decided to do some writing." I felt the nervous creeping in.

"Fine writing I may say. You got the brain for a mere servant" I internally hissed on how he addressed me. "Servant my ass"

"Should I take that as a complement or rather a way of putting me into my place. Because I may be a mere servant but I promised you I deserve this."

"You never change, you still had that way of defying what is supposed to be followed"

"You too your sir, you never change and probably never will. Is there any thing that I can do for you, seems like you wonder off here to ask for something, right sir?"

"Nah, I'm good." at that he didn't utter any more words turning his back on me and marching off towards the dying party.

"I hope he keeps his mouth shut."

My mother and the butler came into the kitchen doors view. I know exactly why.

"Oh there you are we've been looking for you since three hours ago. Where have you been?"

"I-uh fall asleep maybe I get so tired decorating the entire house, why were you looking for me mother?"

"Madam has been looking for you to thank you for the job well done and so is the grandmother. The guest are all impressed and they wanted to meet you." Truth be told I never desire for acknowledgment nor the praises from my work because I never really exert too much effort on it.

"Tell them I appreciate the complement that I truly am thankful of being noticed." Lies

She knew better not to drag me into that shit hole. I hate being the center of attention. After al,l this mere servant doesn't deserved that. Two more hours before the last guest exit the door of this palace like abode. I went to my room since I have completed the task that was given to me.

Another dreaded day has yet to come for this is the beginning of a big change in this house. I went to the bathroom to remove the heavy wig and the braces that wasn't supposed to be wore anymore. As I stare at myself in the mirror I cant help but to wonder how my parents must look like. To whom did I owe my gratitude of this big bright violet eyes, sharp nose and red lips that doesn't need lipstick to get noticed. My golden brown hair that reaches down under my butt that doesn't need of brushing it always stays smooth and manageable. I brushed my teeth and took a half bath before hugging my soft bed. I hide this features ever since I saw how mad Victoria towards Sophia another maid in this huge house. The next thing we know is that Sophia was on the ground screaming and clutching her face. Victoria is Gabriel James fiancée it happened when we were 15 years old. Acid was thrown at her face which resulted to Sophia committing suicide. I tell you this people are monsters.

The thought got stock in my head as I fall deep in my sleep.

sorry its kind of short I'll exert more effort next time...<3

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