The Lock

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I thought of this short story while I was on a bridge full of love locks in France. I hope you enjoy it.

There were once two lovers, who had been together since they were young adults. While on vacation, they placed a lock on a bridge in Austria, where there were many others, and confessed their love to each other.
Over time, they grew closer, and the man eventually proposed to the woman, and they were to be married.
They had a wonderful ceremony, with dancing and beautiful decorations. They moved into a flat in New York City, and began their lives together.
The lock remained on the bridge.
More time passed, and they had children and a very happy life.
As they got older, the woman became more distant to her husband and was away from home a lot. The man confronted her, but she said she had a lot of work to do.
The lock on the bridge became rusty.
He discovered a few months later that she met another man and has been seeing him. The two fought and eventually the woman left home, but came back a few days later.
The man filed for a divorce and it was finalized.
The day the woman left home for good, the lock fell off the bridge and into the water.

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