Chapter 11

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It took a few moments, but Lauren slowly came to the realization of where she was when she awoke.  Abby had taken the entire pillow next to her and seemed in no hurry to get up either.  Lauren stretched and looked at the clock radio.  It was only 6:00am, no wonder she felt lazy and wanted to stay in bed.  But actually she was wide awake. 

She slipped out of bed and went over to the window to view the back yard.  The sun hadn’t quite come up yet and a low wispy fog clung closely to the ground and around the trees.  The remaining glow from the full moon bathed the yard giving it a surreal appearance.  Lauren half expected a lizard-man to emerge from the trees, something similar to the Creature from the Black Lagoon.   It was only a fleeting thought and not at all disturbing.

A thud from the bed indicated that Abby had decided she was through with her beauty sleep and was headed toward the kitchen.  Lauren followed.

She prepared Abby’s breakfast first, knowing she wouldn’t give her a moment’s peace until she did.  Then humming just under her breath, Lauren went about making coffee in the old percolator on the stove, then examining the semi-full refrigerator.  She had gotten spoiled at the hotel with their morning buffet and while normally in her condo she’d just make some oatmeal, she now was used to eating full breakfasts.

Before long the crackling of bacon, percolating coffee and sizzling eggs permeated all corners of the kitchen.  The sounds and smells brought a very homey feel to the cottage.  Lauren imagined the number of mornings that these very same aromas filled the house.  Children half-asleep coming to sit down at the table and being gently woken by the smells.  Talk of school and homework completed or left undone was probably the topic at the table.  Maybe chores to complete before school or even before breakfast would also be interwoven. 

Lauren sat and began to eat her meal.  She grinned as Abby jumped to sit next to her at the head of the table.  Very gently she’d reach her paw out to Lauren’s plate and meow silently.  Knowing she shouldn’t, but not being able to resist her friend’s plea, she gave Abigail small tastes to keep her satisfied.     

Cleaning up was done in no time, but Lauren did give thought to the diagram indicating a dishwasher.  She definitely had to give Fred Stanley a call to find out how far the plans for the renovation had gotten.  The thought of making those modifications excited Lauren.  With those changes, this cottage could really be brought up to modern times.  Of course, it would just make my visits down here much more pleasant.  More rationalization. 

Going back to the bedroom, Lauren decided to go out to the greenhouse.  With all of this extra time she had gained by not going back and forth to the hotel, she felt she could spend some of that getting better acquainted with the plants in there.  She put on some of her grandmother’s work clothes, then headed out to the back.

She had forgotten how wonderful it was to work in the soil and tend to each plant’s need, although with the system her grandmother had, there wasn’t too much to do.  But somehow Lauren managed to spend several hours puttering around and enjoying every minute of it. 

Knowing there was still so much more to do inside, Lauren finally snipped off some sprigs of herbs.  These will go great in a salad for lunch; it’s been ages since I’ve had really fresh herbs.  She figured she could come back later and snip some to dry and bottle.

Back in the cottage, Lauren showered and changed into some denim shorts and a red top.  Taking a shower hadn’t been the easiest thing to do since the shower consisted of a hose and shower head.  Lauren had a spiral notebook that she had started listing things that were needed.  She added to the every growing list an oval shower rod and curtain.  Hopefully she’d be able to hook up a proper shower, or at least something that would give her a hands-free option.

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