Who Are You?

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The Jesses ran to the portal that lead to the crown mesa. They quickly jumped through it. When they arrived, they landed face first on the ruins of PAMA. Jesse remembered when he and Jess defeated the giant robot a few months ago. But now, there was a new threat looming in the mesa. Harper claimed there was a stranger in her and Ivor's lab. So Ivor called Jesse and Jess to access the situation.

Harper guided them to the lab. They quietly stepped through the door, swords in their hands. They slowly approached the figure sitting on a large table.

Jesse cleared his throat to try to get the figures attetion. It didn't budge, though.

"Excuse me, but who are you, and why are you in Harper and Ivor's lab.

The figure turned its head. It had glowing green eyes. It smiled.

"Hello, Jess and Jesse, long time, no see!" It said.

Jess and Jesse gasped in unison.

"PAMA?!" They said at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2017 ⏰

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