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The day eventually came to an end and I stood outside waiting for an Uber. I told Mom that I'd rather come home alone to be alone with my thoughts no matter how my day went. She reluctantly agreed and here I am.

After gym, was lunch and then the rest of my classes. Nothing much really happened, I sat with Julliana for lunch and she introduced me to some of her....different friends. I watched Britta desperately try to get a seat next to Carter and/or Liam, it was sad to look at. I wonder why she's so obsessive...it's actually kind of scary.

I got into the Uber and in no time I was home. Immediately, I took my heels off and carried them in my hands as I walked up to my room. I put them back in the proper place, then put my hair in a sloppy bun. I exchanged my outfit with some comfortable shorts and a tank top.

A little bit after I settled in, I heard Onix and Mom arrive. I'm not sure where Dad is, he's been gone since last night. I think he had an overnight business deal he had to take care of. I don't pay much attention.

"Amethyst, You here?" My mom called up the stairs.

I put my phone down as I screamed, "yea!"

"Come down I wanna hear about your day hun!"

I got up and ran downstairs, I was tired from the long day but was excited to spew everything out. Ill leave some details out in the mom version, but Miss Mona shall hear it all!

She held her arms out to give me a hug, "How was it, girly?" she said smiling as she pulled away from our embrace.

I thought for a moment on how to put it in words. "It was crazy, it was definitely different from anything I've ever experienced and my school is huge."

She smiled widly at me, "That sounds great, make any new friends?"

I laughed to myself as she looked at me funny.

"Ma, you won't believe who I became friends with." I said holding back a little wave of laughter. I don't know why I'm so happy. I guess I'm just glad I finally get to relate to the characters in my favorite movies.
She furrowed her eyebrows, "Who?"

"Remember the pizza place we went to the other day?"

She smiled in realization, "Oh you made friends with the pretty blonde girl, she seems very nice."

I shook my head, "No, I made friends with our waitress."

Her eyes widened in suprise, "Our waitress, are you sure?"

I nodded my head laughing as she continued to look confused, "I know weird right? She's actually the closest friend I've made so far. We talked the most and she turned out to be pretty cool."

My mom still looked confused. "How did that even happen?"

I explained to her how Julliana's locker ended up being right next to mine yada yada yada. We talked a little while longer, I told her about Liam and Julliana and how she was so mean to him for some reason. Then, she asked me did I see any guys I was interested in.


"No, not really. None of them really did it for me." I said with ease.

She was silent, I look over at her and for a second there was a glint of what looked like suspicion in her eyes but it quickly went away as she formed a smile.

"Oh, okay. Well, it sounds like you had a great day, I'm happy for you."

She got up from her favorite love-seat. I stayed sitting on the couch across from her, I smiled back as I said, "Thanks Mom."

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