Its been while

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Dear Diary,
It's been a while hasn't it. Five years to be exact. My days have gotten worse as time passes by. But its all for my good,  plus I have to pay for what I haven't done. For the past years I have spent unconscious or unable to write. I even tried to kill myself at least three times during that time,  but I guess it just wasn't my time yet. Snow aka my wolf no longer speaks to me so I'm all alone in this fight. I don't eat much because I'm to fat and need to lose weight like ther tell me. I also don't want to because they put wolvesbane and silver in the food I'm suppose to eat. Luckily it doesn't really affect me but I have to pretend it does. Most of my body is bluesh purple. Most of my bones are broken. I don't heal as fast as i use to.

But it's okay i diserve it.....right?

Almost broken girl

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