Chapter 4

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I walked around the city as I had gone through an alley only to fall after a few feet into the alley. I woke up the next day on someone's couch. It was not my own home, because there was no drunk bastard of a dad.

I noticed that Eldon was there as well. He was laying down next tot the couch. I looked around and noticed my wounds were all bandaged up.

"Where the hell am I?" I asked myself. "My house" answered a certain voice. Levi had walked in with a bowl of warm water and a wet rag. "Why am I here?" I asked. "Simple, I saw you out on the ground. Picked you up and brought you here." He replied.

I rolled my eyes. "I didn't need your help." I said. "And I didn't ask your opinion, brat." He said. "Shut it" I said. He walked over and sat in a chair that was next to the couch. "What?" I asked. "Just shut up and let me do what I am doing." He said.

"Whatever." I said. He had taken my broken wrist as he unwrapped the hand where the gash was. My left hand. He dabbed the wet rag on it as I winced a little from the contact. My wrist hurt either way but I never went to the hospital about it.

"I know it is painful." He said. "No you don't." I said. "Your wrist is broken. Why have you not gone to the hospital to get it taken care of?" he asked. "None of your concern." I barked. "Yes it is. I am 20, you are what, 16?" he said.

"I graduate next year, not like it matters. I don't need it taken care of." I said. "Fine." He said. He soon grabbed some clean bandages and wrapped up my hand. He went and unwrapped my neck, that had the new slice on it.

He did the same, dabbed the newly damp rag on my wound cleaning it, again. He then wrapped it back up in clean bandages. He went to my arm and unwrapped that wound. Again cleaning it with the warm damp rag and wrapping it back up in clean bandages.

"School is done for you. You will be a Senior next year. What do you plan to do?" he asked. "I can't leave my house I know that much." I said. "Why not?" he asked. "None of your damn concern Ackerman." I said.

"Tch, whatever." He said. I sat up. "How long have I been here?" I asked. "A week, I have been watching over you." He said. "Shit..." I said. "Do you have to be somewhere?" he asked. "My house." I said.

He shook his head "No." he said. "Why not?" I asked. "Because, I can tell just by your wounds, there is violence in the home." He said.

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