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how would you ask the person
you like out on a date?

well, how long have you known
this person?

my whole life.

which is?

since we were 4.

*coos* just like us, huh?

yeah. sure.

in that case, just be yourself.
you should be comfortable
enough to show your feelings
to that person.

what if i'm not?

what do you mean you're not?

what if i'm not comfortable
showing my feelings to this

how can you still be shy when
you've known this person for
20 years, hobie?

i don't know myself.

i don't want to say it, but you're
hopeless, hoseok...

i know i'm hopeless. i know because i've been trying to get to you love me back for years, but i've never succeeded in doing so.

TELL ME HOW ☞ 2SEOKOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora