DDM: You Meet Your Step Mom

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This one is for xtatesloverforlifexx.
Hope you like it, hun

Y/N POV. Age 14

"Hey, Y/N! Come downstairs,  I want you to meet someone!" I heard my dad say. I paused my movie and went down the stairs only  to find my father with a Barbie wannabe. "Uuuhhh, what's going on, dad?" I asked timidly. "Y/N, this is my girlfriend,  Cinnamon. Cinnamon, this is my daughter,  Y/N." This can't be happening. Mom just passed six months ago and he's already got someone else? Like, if you're just gonna move right on right after your wife dies, at least wait a year or two until you introduce a new girlfriend to your daughter. "How long have you two been dating, dad?" I asked. "About a week after your mom died." "That's too soon, dad. You should wait a while,  you know?" I asked. I mean, mom was his wife. He should wait a few years before dating someone new. "Y/N, you need a mother figure in your life. Cinnamon is going to be like that for you." He said. "Uuummm, you remember Nana, right? Your mom? She's like my mother figure now. Along with my aunties. I'll be ok. I'm pretty sur that Cinnamon is your rebound but you need to stop it Daddy. Like, mom was your wife. For twenty years. Her death isn't something you just bounce back from." I got up, grabbed my phone and my shoes and left the house. Dad and whatsherface tried calling me back into the house but I kept walking. I went to the park and called Uncle Zayn. He and I are still pretty close even though we dont see each other much anymore. He still lives around here but dad doesn't need to know that and he's also busy recording sometimes. "Uncle Zayn, dad has a new girlfriend. He started dating her a week after Mama died. That was six months ago and me and him got into it and I'm at the park," I said crying. "Oh honey. I'll be right there give me a second ok?" "Ok." I waited for like another five or ten minutes and he showed up. "Y/N, your dad is working through something right now. We all deal with death in different ways. He's just dealing with it wrongly and making some poor choices. He'll get through this and so will you. Everything will be ok in the end. Believe me, sweetheart." He started hugging me and just held me while I cried. "Thank you, Uncle Z. I needed this." I said to him. "Anytime hun. If you ever need me, I'm only one call away." I nodded and we both started walking home. I went to my house and he went to his. I walked in and saw my dad on the couch with his head in his hands. "Uh, dad?" He looked up at me and started hugging me. "Y/N I'm so sorry. I broke up with Cinnamon. You were right. I need to wait a while. I'm not ready to date yet but I just wanted you to have a mother in your life again. I'm sorry for everything, love." We both started crying. "I'm sorry too." Uncle Zayn was right. Everything will be ok in the end.

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