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Demon and a Fox

Chapter 1:

The darkness overwhelmed her over everything. Her once dormant brown eyes flashed a brilliant gold as her hues became accustom to the blackness. "Dean? Dean?" She called out with her pale hand cupping the side of her mouth as if though it would make her voice carry farther- she hoped it did.

"I'm here! I just can't exactly see you." There was his familiar soft voice. Something stirred in her chest at that moment and a tiny laugh escaped her painted lips. "You cannot help that you were born a human, Dean." Now that she knew which direction to look in, her head turned to the right and instantly she saw the outline of the attractive man.

Dean Humen was working for her family of 'lawyers' which were actually demons dealing out justice to the unruly ones in the material world. Yes, he knew that when she changed, as she was now, that she had nine glorious tails in the shade of orange.

"I see you, Dean. I'm coming." Ever since she had met the kid, she felt something for him- she knew this much. That's exactly why they were down here now, lost in the constant maze of a demon's burrow. She had asked him to come, because she simply wanted to be alone with the 6'2, blonde and blue haired male. Not even a fox could deny his gorgeous features- he was simply, or rather complexly, that.

"Kyubbi, are you to my right or left?" His voice sounded panicked and hurried. "Your right, why?" "Back away, something is near my left. I ca-" he was stopped mid-sentence when a loud crack causes a tiny, final breath to escape those lips she never got to kiss. "Dean?! DEAN!"

"Kyubbi, the great female fox is panicked over a loss of a human man." Cold fingers plucked at her bare skin around her neck. This voice, it wasn't familiar. She bared her glittering fangs. "Who are you? Why did you have to kill a human? You do realize he was an employee of the Fox clan?" She tried to sound calm, but her own emotions betrayed her. She felt tears beginning to stream down her pale and ghostly face.

Fingers began to twirls themselves into her auburn hair, slowly pulling as if to tease her to turn her head.

"I guess you wouldn't remember the sick boy you played with as a child with raven black hair and red, peering eyes.." That comment sounded close to her left ear. She distanced her feet quite a bit and crouched. Next time she heard the voice, she would pounce.

"Now tell-" she jumped to her left and felt a solid, thin body fall under her own. Her legs parted as she straddled the man and brought his hands above his head. A light shined on him in the darkness.

"Sebastian..." That name came as a raspy reply. It was indeed the demon under her. He was far older now, ten or eleven years older then when she had last seen him.

He had unruly black hair, pale skin that you could almost see through, and red eyes that glanced at you with a hint of amusement in those dark pupils. It was him. She knew it was.

"So you do remember your first kiss, my little fox." His hand came up to stroke one of her ears but she slapped it back down, her face instantly became warm. "F-fool! That wasn't a kiss! It was more of a surprised attack consisting the mouth." She backed away from the demon, her body hitting a solid object- Dean's body.

"Then shall I reply it for you, my little fox?" The demon stood up and towered over the short girl as every person seemed to, and bent over to face her. "Right In front of your human lover, perhaps? I don't think he would mind." He grabbed her wrist quickly, too quickly for her to react and brought her forward.

His lips came on her own, and did not leave. He didn't need to breath, he wasn't going to let her go.

She pushed against his chest to no avail and slumped against him when she felt the side effects of not enough air come across her already fragile brain. Blackness hit her.

Demon and a foxWhere stories live. Discover now