School Really Does Suck

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"What does history actually mean?" Mr. Barger asked the entire class. Some people snickered in the corner and were too caught up in their own conversations to pay attention. I carefully raised my hand, just testing the waters. Mr. Barger pointed to me and I stood up. 

"History is something we all learn from. Something that happened in the past that affects the future. It is something no one can control, even if they tried. Some people believe they have no control over something that can happen which will affect their future, others believe that a person can make specific decisions that lead to changes in the future." I said taking a deep breath. I often forget to breathe in situations where I talk too much. I looked around and saw everyone staring at me in shock. 

"The new girls hot." someone attempted to whisper but everyone heard him and giggled along.

"Hey, that's enough. Thank you, Mrs. Caste" Mr. Barger said motioning me to sit down. I sat down in my seat in complete embarrassment. I caught Liam staring at me. I looked away trying to avoid any conversations with him. But I knew I would have to speak to him at one point, I just wasn't ready now. I couldn't let him call social services. I would be in so much trouble for letting him do that. 

"So I took the time to prepare a class project. I will assign you groups and after we will discuss what will be required." He said already assigning some groups. When he got to me, he assigned me the kid who called me hot, someone who I never knew existed and of course, Liam. This was really going to suck. 

"So..." I said trying to lighten the mood of the awkward deadly silence. The bell rang right then and there. 

"Don't forget your homework!" Mr. Barger yelled as everyone shuffled out of the room. 

"Bri! Wait up!" Liam yelled trying to catch up with me. I ignored him and ran off into the girl's restroom. He couldn't go in there. As I slammed the door shut I saw Leah the supposedly popular girl, and her posse staring at me in disgust.

"Who let the creep in here. I thought this was the laddie's restroom" Leah said smirking. Of course, her annoying posse had to agree and laugh along. I ran out feeling embarrassed. I felt like I never wanted to go to school ever again. And I know it was dramatic to think that but just being there, in the situation, made me want to throw up. I missed my bus as if that wasn't enough to make me want to scream, so I was forced to walk home. All alone, while it was raining. 

Frankly, I think rain is overrated. It's just so creepy. You can barely see anything in rain and it does nothing good for humans other than water. Why do people enjoy walking in the rain so much? 

It took just about forever to get back home. As always my mother was in the kitchen cooking something and my dad in front of the TV with a beer. 

"Ey, where you been?!" My dad screamed at me. 

"Missed the Bus." I said back walking to my room.

"Do not walk away from me get over here." he said drunkenly. I walked over to him.


" You apologize for being late." 

"No. It wasn't my fault" I said smelling the beer he had in his hand. "And get some breath mints," I said walking back to my room. He caught me by my arm and slapped me again kicking my stomach when I was on the floor repeatedly. 

"Don't EVER say no to me!" he yelled still kicking me as hard as he could. I felt my nose bleeding and I clutched my stomach. 

"Harry!" My mother screamed helping me off the floor. 

"WHAT? DO YOU WANT SOME TOO?!" He screamed at her. "Now apologize for being late!" 

"I'm sorr- sorry for being late," I said trying to focus on my surroundings. 

"Go to bed." he said going back to his seat. "Piece of garbage" 

I walked back to my room in severe pain. I took off my shirt looking at my stomach. It was purple and blue. I tried to ignore it while I cleaned up all the blood off of my face. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2017 ⏰

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