The Meet Up

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"Hey" is all he typed into the current chat, even though most of his work was done the hour before. Three was in the shower so she wasn't in the chat and she was currently getting dressed. Seven was planning on showering around 9:30ish, only because he normally only takes 15-20 minutes. He was just going to wear what he normally does, his jeans, tank top and hoodie.

         Seven didn't notice it was 9:30 already so he rushed to get a towel, a pair of clean clothes and ran into the bathroom to shower. He forgot his phone so he couldn't call or text anyone.

       Three had arrived 10 minutes early and knocks on the door and waited. "Fuck" Seven wisper shouted, thinking he took the longest shower ever, he had a small towel to dry his hair in the bathroom. He dried off, got on his clothes and put the towel on his hair, literally as he left the bathroom and opened the front door. "Hey, come on in!" He said, trying to ignore his wet hair. "Ok.." she walked in and was looking at her phone.

         "Just sit anywhere," he paused as water dripped into his face and onto his glasses. She looks at him and giggled "Sorry if I interrupted your shower." She  went to sit on the couch. "It's fine, no big deal" He started to dry his hair while blushing a light pink. "So video games? Or do you have something else planned?" She asked, finally putting down her phone.

          "Spare glasses then games?" He showed his glasses with the crack in the left lense. "Yeah.. let's look for them" She said as she got up. "I don't have a clue on where they'd be" he said, shrugging and started looking around his bed. Three starts looking around and finds a glasses case, she grabs it and opens it "ah found one!" She goes to him and puts them on him.

         "That's better, thanks" he smiled and blushed again a light but noticeable pink. She pinched his cheeks "no problem friend" she smiled and headed to the living room. He followed behind her and went to a box filled with games "What you wanna play?" He hands her a sample of games to look and choose from.

         She grabs a game, puts it in the correct console and turns on the tv "there!" She smiled "I'll win again like last time" she smiled and grabs a controller for herself and hands him one as she sits on the couch. "What'd you chose? You won a few times at a few games last time you were over" He was wondering what game she chose this time as he grabbed the controller and sat next to her on the couch. 

         "'Medal Of Honor' cause why not" she smiled and they noticed her bag move. "Hm? What was that?" He saw white fur from her bag move "IS THERE A WILD ELLY IN THERE?!" Seven got up and stared at the bag. 3 sighed "not again." A white cat jumps out and it was not Elly! She was smaller, more poofy, one eye was blue, the other was green and she stares at Seven.

         Seven sat there in awe by the cat that looked like Elly. "I need my own cat!" he picked up the cat, hugged and ran around with her just like he usually does with Elly. "Please treat Crystal well! She's just a kitten!" Three was concerned about how Seven was treating Crystal. "I won't hurt her I promise, Jumin still thinks I abuse cats though" Seven shrugged, stopping from running around. "Yeah... just sit down please.." Three asked, getting even more concerned about Crystal.

         He sighed and pouted "Fine."  Crystal was slightly but noticeably shaking. He looked at Crystal confused "Is she ok?" "How would you feel if someone did the same thing you did to Crystal, as you're a kitten?" She asks. "I dunno, I'd have fun everyday if I was a kitten!" He laughed afterwards. She sighs "just sit here"

          He pouted and glared at 3 again "....fine.." he said reluctantly. She waited for him to sit next to her. Seven sat next to Three, continuing to pout and glare at Three. She grabs Crystal from his arms and puts her on his lap. She grabs his hand and makes him pet Crystal's head "This is how you pet a cat" she smiles as she lets go of his hand.  Crystal was purring and rubbing her head against his hand.

         He continued to do the same motion she showed to pet Crystal "I still prefer my way to pet cats" he pouts while blushing. "Hmmm why are you blushing?~" she teased as she poked his cheek. He looked away, still pouting but looking at 3 "I'm not blushing"

         "Yes you are, ha it's cute, so let's start playing?" She smiles "oh we should invite our friends! If you want." She offered. "Sure, and I'm not blushing" he said completely looking away and closing his eyes. "Whatever you say" she shrugs and takes out her phone. He jokingly punched her arm, as well as letting Crystal go "I'm just messing with you!"

         "Huh?" She looks at him confused. "What?" He got confused at her getting confused. "What are you messing with?" She looks into his eyes. "I know I'm blushing, and I'm messing with you saying I'm not" he hoped he wouldn't have to explain why he was blushing more than that. "Yes but why are you blushing?" She smiles softly. "" he kept doing long pauses and was starting to blush a red.

          "Come on you can tell me anything" She continued to smile softly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2017 ⏰

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