Stuck Together Again

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Carl's POV 

I am stuck with her again. Karma is repaying me for being an ass.

The two of us walked out of the gates and into the forest in silence. The only thing heard was the sound of leaves being crunched under our feet. I felt like I should say something, but Little Miss Sunshine would probably get offended, tell my dad, and I would be stuck on dish duty for a month.

She walked ahead of me for most of the walk until she saw a deer tramping around. She lifted her gun, and I scoffed at her sad attempt to shoot it down.

“What? Am I not good enough for you?” She asked me sarcastically.

“No sweetheart, it just would help if you actually hit the deer so we could eat something.” I shot back.

“God, you’re such an a-”

“Sticks and stones, darling.”

She turned around and raised her gun again. Sometimes I wonder why everyone thinks I’m the stubborn one.

She shot at the deer again, and this time she managed to hit the tree.

“So, tree bark for dinner? Sounds good.” I antagonized.

She turned around and gave me the evil eye. “You know what Carl, if you’re so good, why don’t you do it alone?”

She started to walk off, and I ran up and grabbed her shoulder. “Hey, I’m kidding. Just trying to have a little fun.”

“’S not fun to me.” She said, than stomped on my foot.

“OH! Ah-”

Stay calm, Carl. Be a man. Be a man even if your foot is in pain from her freaking boots! Stay calm, stay calm.

“Ohhhhkaay.” I wheezed, “I guess I deserved that. Are you satisfied?”

“Yeah.” She kicked at the ground and smiled slightly.

“C’mere.” I said.

“If you’re gonna kick me back, I will come after you, Grimes.”

“Geez you’re harsh, no, I’m gonna teach you to actually get the deer.” I offered.

“Oh,” She furrowed her eyebrows and thought for a second, “Ok.”

I walked (trying not to limp) to her and directed her attention towards the deer eating the grass.

“Ok, give it another go.” I said.

She got in her stance, than calmly shot at it again; she missed, but was closer.

“Dammit.” She whispered. That girl did not like to lose.

“It’s ok, just loosen up, and try holding the gun like this.” I said, reached for her arm, placed it on the gun closer to the trigger, and continued to hold her arm while I leaned over to watch. I set my hand on top of her hand on the trigger, and told her “Ok, now shoot.”

She breathed slowly, and then pressed down on the trigger; the deer fell down to the ground.

“I-I did it!” She exclaimed, “That never happens.”

I was still leaning over her…arm and arm. Our hands were still touching. For like 10 minutes. What can I say…I’m pretty smooth.

She turned her head around, and I was looking right into those deep blue eyes.

Stay cool, Carl. Stay cool, stay-

Then we heard a crash.

Lena’s POV

I was freaking out. One second Carl is annoying the crap out of me, and the next his arm is around me helping me shoot a deer. One side of me was yelling silently for not being able to one-up him, but the other side of me was never been so grateful to have to shoot a deer in my life.

It was perfect: his hand over mine helping me press down on the trigger, then the deer was dead, and then I locked eyes with his freaking beautiful blue eyes.

Then we heard a crash and the perfect-mushy moment was over. Really? Could this moment just last a little longer?

God decided nope, let’s just ruin Lena’s perfect moment with an adorable guy she had certain feelings about and squash it with disaster. That’s what I get for not going to church.

I jumped and let go of the gun, and he let go of me. We snapped our heads towards the direction of the prison, and then started running.

When we got to the prison, the fence was crushed over by a tank, and walkers started pouring into our field. I saw Daryl, Michonne, Glenn, Maggie, Rick, and Carol shooting at the tank with all their might. Carl grabbed my arm, and we ran around to start killing the invading walkers. I cleared an area for a second, but then my eyes darted to the tank that was driving away from the prison.

Why would it leave? I thought.

I looked up again to get a glimpse of the person driving inside.

It was the man.

Lol, a little cheesy;p I'll upload tomorrow cus this was a short chapter! Almost 50 reads! Yay! Thanks so much for reading and I hope you like it enough to keep reading! :D Thanks!!

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