Wishes at 11:11

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I watch as the clock ticks around. My work is slow tonight.


Maybe I could send another shooting star out, I haven't done that in a while?


My fingers tap the desk once again.


Maybe I could plant another dandelion?


Maybe I could-


I look to the clock. The corners of my mouth lift as if on strings. My teeth become apparent as I stare at the time. I have 1 minute before the wishes come flooding through, waiting to be granted. I jumped up walking over to the '11:11' station.

The rattling sound that shook the wish tub unsettled me. The alarm and the noise of all the wishes flying through made my heart jump with anticipation. I thought of all the peoples dreams and wishes I'd make come true this very hour.

I watched as the mounts upon mounts of hopes and dreams fly in. I watch as they twirl around in the air as beautiful as ever. I reach up and grab as many of the hundred golden wishes as I can. It doesn't take long until my eyes land on an eye-catching pink wish floating around. My smile grows when I realise this person wishes for love. The love from another, my eyes search for another pink wish to pair it with.

Running, I grab some of the other golden wishes as I go. A pink wish shines brighter than the rest, I look back to see the original wish drifting away.

"No!" I shout running to it.

I feel so close as I reach up to grab the wish only millimetres from my grasp. I pull it down and hold it close making sure not to let the precious dream go.

Much to my disappointment, I see the pairing wish has floated away- most probably back to its owner.

Glumly, I fish a few of the golden wishes up, the colour gold representing greed or wealth. As I let the others disappear, I search to see who made the wish I clutch so dearly.

My heart breaks when I see the dreamer sitting alone, looking wishfully out their window. I follow their line of sight and see a tall girl, wearing a blue dress, smiling as she looks down at her phone. I sigh as I notice the love held in the dreamers gaze.

The next thing I see startled me.

The runaway wish sits above the blue dressed girl, unintentionally I hold the captured one closer to me.

I smile once again as my mission becomes very clear.

I run out of my office and to the location of the escaped wish. She walks away from the windows view to the entrance of a train station. I glance to the ticket she holds in her hand.

"No." I breath.

I will grant this wish.

As she walks into the crowded train station I make sure to keep my eyes on her. She weaves her way in and out of the crowds. I watch as her electric blue dress flows down way past her knees, and how her hands instinctively go in front of her; Her voice sounds through the station as she continually apologises when she bumps into anyone.

I hide behind someone's back as I await the trains movement. The ground begins to shake as the train alerts everyone of its presence. A gush of wind blows everybody's hair about and I have prevent a light bulb from appearing above my head when I have an idea.

The wind blows once more and, with a little of my help, I see the girls ticket fly out of her hand and move above the crowds heads. I smirk as she groans and starts to chase after it. Her eyes follow the moving ticket until it flies out the entrance. She looks to the line at the ticket machine. My plan proceeds and I see the blue dress move with her as she leaves the train station.

The click of her heeled shoes echo's down the quite streets, the height of her heels slowing down the speed of her running. Her focused eyes are trained on the ticket, meaning she doesn't notice the drain that soon traps her stiletto heel.

The woman sighs as she pulls on the stuck shoe. I frown when I watch her turn in the opposite direction of her moving ticket. Her head hangs low as she walks away, one hand holding the top of her bare arm.

I make sure another gush of wind pushes the ticket back to her view, she ignores it again. I huff.

I circle the ticket around her head a few times before she attempts to grab it. Moving before her fingers could even brush it. A mischievous smile replaced her frown, the wind soon picks the ticket up again and the chasing game continues again.

Her laugh is the music as she dances in attempt to catch the ticket- despite the fact she knows her train has now been and gone. Many doors pass, and my eye catches every number on each door.

Not knowing where the ticket is taking her, she kept going on down the empty street.

My stomach flips and my heart smiles as I recognise a certain house.

I'm used to granting peoples average wishes, but this one was by far the most exciting. I love watching the wishers faces when they either get the things they need, or the kiss they've always wanted- but when two people fall in love, their reactions were ones I can't explain.

Because every love is different.

I bite my lip in anticipation as the train ticket slips under the original wishers door.

Her jaw drops as she sees its the end of her journey. She sighs but visually freezes when theres a small clicking sound indicating the opening of a front door.

Her blue dress starts to gently flap in the wind as she stares in shock at the person standing nervously at the door. A small blush creeps up their face as they stare at the girl on the end of their driveway. The ticket is being twirled around their fingers as there is no noise for a while.

After a few anxious blinks, the girl in the blue dress makes the first step towards the door.

Their eyes meet and hold each others gaze until the ticket is held out for her to take. She smiles and takes the ticket.

Her cheeks turn a light pink, as she apologies for the recent events.
Eyes watch her as she starts to ramble on, admiring her beauty.

I inhale sharply as I let the pink wish slowly out of my grasp, and the girls one brightens up.

I walk away from the two as they slowly get to know each other at the front door. I try to lighten my mood with the thought of the golden wishes waiting for me back at my office.

Yet a glum feeling still sits deep in me. My eyes widen as I realise the feeling I feel is envy.

I am starting to wish that one day I feel the same as the newly acquainted couple.

I wish that I'll find love,

But who grants the wish granters wishes?

Just a little story, thanks for reading. Please, please vote and comment.

Lots of love, Megan.

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