The assult

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meg: I am going out with friends at a club can you just tell Anthony that I just went out to meet with some friends I have to gooo
Erika: yeah sure bye meg
Meg: bye
I leave and meet with my friends at the club when I walk in I see someone I recognise , banks, but he is making out with a girl that isn't Alissa I am so confused but I just chose to ignore it and have fun . After a while I need to go to the toilet I get kinda lost because I have never been to this club before suddenly I feel an arm wrap around my neck knocking the wind out of me I gasp as I look at the guy that I can see dragging me by my neck and it is banks. He seems to be taking me to where he was I manage to get out of his grip and run for a little bit then I eventually find my friends freaking out. I grab my phone and text Erika
Text messages //
Meg-- erika help I am freaking out banks just grabbed me by the neck and I don't know what to do I don't feel safe
Erika-- shit meg calm down I know this is bad but just leave the club and come back to the team 10 house actually I will come and get you
Meg-- okay thank you xx
I then decide that I need to tell Anthony he always makes me feel better about things
Text messages//
Meg-- Tony can you please calm me down banks just grabbed my neck and dragged me and I don't feel safe please babe I am freaking out
Tony-- babe it's okay I heard Erika leave I assume she is getting you don't worry we will sort this out it will never happen again okay you'll be fine just wait outside for Erika I love you xx
Meg-- thank you I love you too xxx
I wait outside for five minutes before I see erikas car pull up she jumps out of it and hugs me as I start to cry
Erika: meg come on let's go home
Meg: okay
I get in the car and we head back to the house I don't feel as scared anymore more disgusted at what he did and mainly hurt and upset when we get back Tony is waiting by the door and he just pulls me into a hug
Anthony: are you okay?
Meg: yeah I'm fine
Anthony:meg have you seen your neck how hard did he grab you
Meg: enough to knock the wind out of me
Anthony: okay let's put some ice on it and then go to bed
Meg: okay
I walk into the kitchen where he lifts me onto the counter and meg gets me ice I tilt my head to the side and he holds it with one hand and presses the ice lightly against my neck
Erika:meg are you okay with Anthony if I go to bed
Meg: yeah in fine go get some sleep
She leaves and goes to jakes room
Anthony: I am so sorry
Meg: why
Anthony: I should have been there to stop him
Meg: no you shouldn't I was out with my friends you can't blame yourself for everything that happens
Anthony: okay *smiles* what can I do to cheer you up or get your mind off it
Meg: I honestly don't know but just being here is helping
Anthony: I'm always going to be here even if we break up
Meg: thank you now let's go to bed
Anthony POV
When we "wake up " the next morning we are extremely tired because she was too traumatised to sleep and I wanted to comfort her so we go downstairs, have breakfast and then go on our phones meg is sitting at her desk under a blanket and I sit beside her leaning my head onto the chair she starts to sleep a bit and I go on my phone. Suddenly Thomas comes over with his vlog saying something about megthony meg says hi in a really cute tired voice and rolls her head over so it is closer to mine
Thomas: tony do you have a comment
Anthony: it's not a thing it's a friendship
Thomas: okay
He leaves and we continue to just do our thing as much as I deny it on the vlog I really do love Megan zelly

A/n: I am actually so upset that this happened to Megan but happy that Anthony was one of the people she told first I hope she is all okay

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