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Hard to believe that I would one day find out that everything I knew was a lie and my hold world . would be trun upside down and .that I find out that I be mate to a vampire and who would of. Thought that the vampire would be one of Hogwarts. Professors and that not a easy task because me and. Him did not see. Eye to eye at frist but sometimes. You need to do what best for you and . I would never change a thing now because my life is turned out for the better now that I have the right answers and stuff that's need be

Oh how rude of me I forgot to introduce myself my name is Harry James Potter.or I should say Potter snape these days and yes. If you gusted it is Severus Snape that the vampire.and he my  mate and everything and that. What matters most but I never knew he was a vampire in the beginning and it was alot to take in. When I had found out but I would never. Change a thing now but here is story of how we both came to be and . I never thought that Dumbledore was not telling me the truth I was happy when. I found out who I can count on for real and. That what matters. Most and it a good thing because I need the answers and I still was the key for the great good and making it right but we need to find out which side was the. Right side because sometimes you need a balance of both dark and light magic for it to exist but you don't need the evils that come with it

Any way let's  go back to when this all started for me and Severus and. Me starting to? Dumbledore for his actions I still couldn't get over the fact that he was leaving me with my aunt and uncle there was Muggles are not a proper family to be left with I'm not saying all Muggles her that way I'm just saying these two people in particular were not right . because the world do have alot of muggle that are good people but there are some that .make it bad for the others and that what matters most

The year was my 5 th year  at Hogwarts when I started to see the changes and catch on .and thing that maybe I'm be lead austrade because of things I mean one thing's for sure why would I be forced to participate in the Wizard tournament along with Cedric dehkordi in are fourth year of Hogwarts.and I know that was not easy  and he lost is life and that .was what had me ? Things because Dumbledore did nothing to get us out of there in one piece  and I know that I'm going to need to look into more but without him knowing for sure and that a big ting because why would Dumbledore do things against the rules and put me in the tournaments when I didn't even put my name in the cup

Any now like I said it my 5th year and I was back home with my anut and uncle when I started to go through my magical / creature inheritance it was my 15 brithbay and this normal happened on your 17 but . something made me go through mine early and I remember like it was yesterday

Like I had said I was hanging out in my room because they had to move me .form the Under the Stairs to a bedroom because I was getting too big .but I was wondering if I would be spending my birthday in my room .alone like any other night and summer but I know that my best friends from Hogwarts would send me stuff for my birthday though my owl hedwidge and that is a nice thing but . I am not sure about Ron these days because it seems sometimes he . just wanted to be my. Friends with me for the fame and he out .more for himself and that is not a good thing at all and he going to see that I'm starting to see. Right thought him his brothers and sister seem to be true friends to me and his father do too but. I don't know why I'm having ? About is Molly thought I geust time will tell and . I wish that I could get out of here because I .hate being  made to use the house to the point of me being a house elf and that .what it is all of the time .

So right now it me in my room trying to make the best of my brithday and. I don't know why but. It almost like this one is going to be different and. I don't know for sure and I hope .that I can get. To the bottom of this more

As I was wondering about of that the clock extract all the way down the midnight for my birthday but I was not expecting my uncle to come in with a bat this time

Vernon: I'm so tried of you little freak I'm going to teach you a lesson and that going to be funny because you didn't do the house work right so I'm going to have to. Teach you a lesson and that what I'm going to do

Harry : please don't uncle

After my uncle was done I lay on the floor beeling and I didn't know what was going on for sure  what was going on with me all of sudden I was feeling like I had this cruciating pain and everything going through my body the next thing I know I started to change and passed out because it was so bad I didn't know where I was when I woke up and I didn't know how I got there but when I looked around I could tell that I was in a house that was not mine and when I looked .saw my potions professor Severus Snape and I was wondering what in the name of Merlin was going on

HARRY POTTER and is vampire heart Where stories live. Discover now